A Drunk Man and A Drunk Bird

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I'm hungry as fuck. Damn, this is so dreadful. Maybe I Should've at least packed lunch or something for my return, but I didn't expect things to go like that. I was honestly trying to retrieve Emma's letter while being hidden in the leaves. I just brought a gun for emergency uses. I've got to say though, Mister's advice was dandy. I'm glad I took it. I quickly made a mental note to thank him later once I get back.

As of now, I am drudging my way through this desert. I can't seem to come across the hatch anywhere these pass few days though. I sighed and placed down my bag. I took out my water canister I got from one of the soldiers and drank what's left. A single drop poured unto my tongue.

Well, that's that. I put it back at the very bottom, and instead pulled out a pen Mister gave me. "How was this supposed to lead me towards the hatch?"

All the time Mister and I had spent together and I've never even once touch this pen because he wouldn't let me use it. Now that he has, he didn't actually told me how to operate it. I removed it's cap, but nothing happened. I then removed the upper half of the pen, pulling from the middle, then it showed me a map along with multiple location portrayed by coordinates. Now this is cool.

It was night time when I finally reached the hatch. I climbed down to hear two distinct voices singing. What are those two doing? I made my way through the halls, but stopped at the kitchen to make a quick dinner. I gathered every ingredient I needed to make curry and started to cook. Oh how I've miss this kitchen.

I finished eating and continued my journey to find my two shelter-mates. As I do, the singing got louder. I opened the monitor room's door and found the Mister dancing on the table while Nevermore flew in continues loop. The problem was the dozens of empty bottles on the floor of which I can only assume are alcohol by the strong scent and how these two were acting.

"BAA BAA BLACK SHEEP HAVE YOU ANY WOOL?" The mister sang in his grumpy voice.

"YES SIR, YES SIR, THREE BAGS FULL!" Nevermore then added with his croaky one.

"What have you been doing?" I cut off their lovely time. How does a bird even get drunk? And where did they find these stashes of alcohol? I'm surprised we even had any to begin with.


"KID? SO, YOU'VE SURVIVED EH? SEE NEVERMORE? TOLD YOU HE WOULD, NOW PAY UP!" The mister yelled out loud, while stumbling to get off the table. He reached a hand out to Nevermore, expecting him to give him something?

"WE MADE A BET?" Nevermore tilted his head.

"YES, OF COUSE WE DID! YOU MORON!" The mister tried to grab him, but slipped face first on the floor.

"Wow. Unbelievable, you seriously did not only made a bet with a bird about the outcome of my life, but you've gone drinking as well with him? Maybe I should've brought you two along with me."


Geez, these guys' yelling is seriously making my head hurt. I rubbed my temples, and collectively made my point. "Please stop yelling, Mister. You too, Nevermore. Can you explain to me where on earth you've gained this much drinks?"

Mister sat down on the table, still wobbly."They've been here all the time, kid. I've just hidden them from you, in case you try and pull a fast one. You're only twelve aren't ya?"

"So? what does that have to do with me drinking?"

"It's a rule, genius. An unspoken one at the least, but no minors can drink any sort of alcohol whatsoever. And minors are consider people under the age of twenty-one." He stated, grabbing a bottle off the floor and popping off its cap. Not like I have any plans on doing that, from what I know is they'll only be a hindrance to anything you'll ever hope to accomplish.

"Well, whenever you two are done intoxicating yourselves. I made curry before coming here, so if you'd like some then stop drinking and head towards the kit—" And they're off. I should've seen that one coming though, ridiculous at it may seem, they practically worship my cooking.

And me? I'm off to bed, I am so tired. I'm really glad to be back at the comfort of my own bed. I can at least enjoy the calm before the storm, can't I?

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