Nevermore's Detour

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It was endless hours of trees, trees, and more trees. This forest sure is big. I'm beginning to think that maybe flying back takes longer than to actually visit Grace Field. Nevertheless, I must persevere in relaying Emma's reply letter to Elios! I eventually landed on the treetops to rest before soaring again, but a wild demon caught me by surprise. It slashed the branch I was on, so I immediately evaded. I couldn't find an escape from the forest because it was so dense, so I had to fly low in hopes that there will be an opening to the skies soon.

I was still being chased so I did the best of my abilities to not be caught, using anything and everything to my advantage as either shields or decoys for the six-legged fiends. There was two in total, but they're causing me immense trouble. If only Elios and Mister were here, they'd save me. I landed on a branch again, but I looked back to see nothing. Apparently, they've left me alone, but then I see why. Beside me was a village of demons. I came across this a while ago, long before I met my friends. I never needed to come near here, but it was fascinating how many type of demons species there were. Some were six-legged and some would not only walk on two, but be civilized as well. I wonder if Elios will find this fascinating as I do?

I finally saw a small opening within the trees, and I quickly left before more trouble came bearing my way. A week after my demon encounters, I've reached the clearing. There was little distance from the hatch to my current location, but something caught my attention. It was my friend! I see Elios below me walking, but the mister wasn't anywhere near him. He must've stayed back at the shelter. I flew down to meet Elios, and landed on his shoulder.

"Hey, Nevermore! Didn't see you there, how was your trip?" He asked me.

"Nevermore made a new friend! Emma is nice!"

"Of course, she is. She's Emma after all."

"Emma also asked Nevermore a favor of giving Elios a letter too!"

"A letter? Where is it?"

Where? As soon as he said those words, I panicked. I saw the paper missing from my foot, and I didn't know where I lost it. Did one of the demons managed to clip the letter? Maybe a tree branch? The possibilities could be endless!

I looked down ashamed. "Nevermore lost the letter. Nevermore's very sorry, Elios."

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