Scoping Out A Demon Village

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"Hey, Mister. I'm going to leave for a bit, need anything?"

"Not really, we just had our supply run, didn't we? Where are you always heading off to anyways?" The mister was in the monitor room, like always, eating whatever sweets are left.

"I usually just take a walk, but until next month I'm going to be out practicing my shot. And I'll be taking this with me, by the way." I said as I brought up a gun.

"Practicing your shot, huh? Sure, go ahead. Maybe, I'll finally get some peace and quite around here." I don't know what's he on about, we barely even speak to each other unless it's urgent news regarding the shelter.

"But why a month? You ain't gonna be back here for thirty days, and you're only bringing a pistol with you? Not to mention you'll eventually need water or food." He continued.

"Don't worry about me. I'll manage." You know, for someone who says they don't give two shits about anyone he just lets it show, doesn't he?

"Hey, hold on a sec. Want some advice?" This is way to funny. I'm sorry, mister, I'm just not used to seeing you so caring.

"Sure." I tried my best to hide the snicker that's struggling to break out.

"What's with that face?"

Finally, I composed myself, and faced the mister with a more normal look. "Nothing."

"My advice is simple. Just remember, when you're holding your pistol, grip it hard. Once you do that, grip it harder. For a first timer, your gun would likely be flinging all over the place because of recoil."

Thanks. "Anything else? How about my breathing? I've read a book in the archives about the need of holding your breath while shooting to be more accurate."

"Don't do that. You're using a pistol, not a sniper. Just try to breath naturally while holding you're gun steady, got it? Not everything can be learned just by reading a book, I've experienced that first hand."

"Alright then, I'll be off. Take care of Nevermore for me until I get back, ok?"

"What? Not even a thank you?"

"Nope." Maybe later, if your advice proves to be handy.

Just then, Nevermore came flying in. He landed on the mister's head which ticked him off. "And why do I have to take care of this thing? He's your pet, isn't he?"

"Mister! Mister! You're Nevermore's friend, are you not?"

"Hell no!"

That was three weeks ago. Today, I'm currently at the outskirts of a demon village I found heading east. Nevermore said that whilst he was being chased, he flew in any and every direction he could to shake off the man-eaters, but he distinctly remembered stopping here. Meaning that he most likely lost Emma's letter somewhere near here. I've been circling around this area for ages, but I still couldn't find it. Why was I searching for a piece of paper, you might ask? In a place where I could easily be killed, no less.

Well, because that letter might have important information regarding the safety of the children. And possibly any changes I should be concerned about. Everything needs to be accounted for, even the littlest of things. I am playing a game of life and death after all. After a few more hours of searching, I had no luck. That settled it then, Emma's letter must be somewhere inside the village.

When I got near it, I decided that I needed a vantage point to scope the place out. There was a cliff nearby. So, I plopped down here, brought out my binoculars and was perplexed to see humans down there. It wasn't a human village because I could see a bunch of demons also. The humans were all men, and they seemed to be carrying guns. Assault rifles, to be exact. There was one who looked like their leader conversing with a demon. I wonder who these people were? And why weren't the demons eating them like they normally would've?

It'd be best if I avoid them, but then again, they could probably make good dummies for target practice. I wonder what to do? There's a chance that they could be allies. Worst thing that could happen is I walk up them and they shoot me dead. Then, I see one at the very entrance of the place. There was no one near him, and he was very unguarded. He even had his gun set on the ground. I quickly weighed my options and decided to reprimand the lone person.

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