Setting Up The Board

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"I'm gonna get you!"

"Hey! Stop messing around and get ready!"

"Emma, I can't tie my shoes on."

"I don't know how to tie the laces."

"I'll help you in a second, there's no need to cry." Here we go! I'm finally done tying their shoes, and we raced towards the dining room.

Good morning! My name's Emma, a child resident of the Grace Field House. Today, we're all excited for Conny's birthday. Can you believe she's already turning six? Time sure does fly, doesn't it? Mom already informed us about Conny's departure, a couple made up their minds about adopting her, and I'm very happy for her.

"Norman! I challenge you in tag!" Don yelled from his seat after we all just got done with our daily test. I looked at Norman to see him smiling at Don. I guess this means the game is on?

Yep, I'm right, but I'm pretty sure I was the only one left at this point. Norman plucked the younger ones first, Nat being number one, Gilda was next, Don and Conny were found just before me while Ray didn't join us again. He's chasing me right now, but good thing I'm hidden on top of this tree.

This actually reminds me of the good old days when we weren't the older kids. Nobody can find Jordan when we were playing, except for mom. He would always hide on top of the trees like I was doing now, except he would hide here long after the game was over. Lynn would always be on the run, no one can stop or catch up to her. She was the fastest person I had ever seen, she'd ran at ridiculous speeds. Then there was Elios, I can't figure out why, but right when he was about to be caught he would always pull a fast one on us. He was like Houdini in a sense that he would vanish right before our eyes.

Who was Houdini? I'm not entirely sure either. Lannion said he was a magician from a long time ago, but other than that I don't know much.

"Emma, you're weakness is that you're too nice." Rats, it wasn't long before Norman used my weakness against me and we're all back at the fields. Am I too nice? Should I change my demeanour or something?

"Question. What's Norman good at that you're not?"

Planning ahead? And staying calm? You guess he's also good at being smart.

"It's strategy. Just think, if it's just simple physical ability, you'd have the upper hand. But it's more than that. Norman has brains like no other. Tag is a game where you compete with strategy." Ray explained, but wasn't that a bit far fetched? In a game of tag, seriously? Those are two entirely different games.

"The way I see it tag is like chess, but using your whole body. Don't you think, Norman?" Okay, maybe he wasn't as far fetch as I though he was.

"So, try to anticipate the enemy's move."

"But still, we can't compare to mom's ability to read a situation."

That's true. Come to think of it, none of us had ever been able to beat her at chess, huh? Not even Elios, and he was the best of us. Speaking of Elios, I wonder how's he doing now? It's almost been three years, but he still hasn't come to visit, nor did he reply to my letter. I just have to wait a little bit longer then, I guess.

"Norman! Rematch, next game everyone's going to be it, but you!" Ah shoot, here we go again.

I stand here with Norman near the fences. I found him zoning out, so I just tagged him. "I guess you caught me."

"Never go near the gate or fence."

"Yeah, mom always tells us that because going near there can be very dangerous." I reached out my hand at the fence.

"She's says that, but it's not even true." Woah, I didn't even notice Ray. Did he decided to join us?

"What do you mean by that?" Is what I was going to say, but Norman beat me to it.

"Well, look at it. What part of this do you find dangerous?" He continued, but then the other kids came running in.

"Hey! What're you guys doing way back here?" We all conversed a little while, but it only consisted of us talking about our adopted siblings and dreams.

"You know, it's weird. None of us have ever gotten any letters." Oof. Well, maybe not you guys anyway. I shouldn't say a thing.

"Letters?" Anything about Elios, I mean.

"Oh that? I'm sure they're just being considerate to their foster parents." Norman cuts in.

"But still, we were brought here as babies. We're the only family we know! Even if we aren't blood related, we're truer siblings than most!" Said Don, whom I agree with. I'm happy that Elios sent a letter, but what of the others?

"Maybe the outside world is so incredible that they've forgotten all about life at the house." Well, in that case. Let's be happy for them.

We all got to talking about what each one of us would do once we're outside. Gilda said she wanted to wear every clothes the outside world had to offer, Nat wanted to eat all the yummy food, Don wanted to find a cute girl to date, Phil said he wants to see a train, Norman wants to travel, and Conny wanted to be a mother, while Ray just ended up being a downer. Hey, maybe that's what he actually wanted to be?

"And you?" Who? Me?

"You want to ride a giraffe, right?" I said that?

"I don't really want to leave. So, I'd stay forever."

"Come on, that's not a real answer." Don pointed out.

"Why not? We're all happy here, right?" It's true, I'm fine with just being here so long as everyone's happy. Then again, I can't do that can't I?

Honestly though. The first thing on my to-do list once I leave is to find Elios again! I'll get to see him soon, but I also want to see him more. I know, I know, creepy, right? I've been told that one multiple times, believe me.

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