Radar Knowledge

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"Why is Elios running?" Nevermore called out to me.

"Nevermore, good timing. Can you please relay every move the woman chasing me will do from up there?" So, mom has a tracker implemented on me, but does it have any disadvantages? How can I disable this thing without chopping my left ear off? Surely, there has to be a way, right?

I quickly made my way through a rocky pathway, but Isabella was suddenly in front of me. She sure is fast. "Give up, Elios, Nothing you do will change what's to come."

"To be honest, when I said we were playing a game, I didn't mean tag." She knows I won't be able to beat her, we both do, but I just have to prolong our chase until I found a solution to render my tracker useless.

"What did you have in mind then?" I need to let her give me information.

"Any game where we would have an even playing field. You have that tracker, don't you?" Ok, so she said that she has a tracker, then maybe I can just take it?

"Trust me, Elios, I wouldn't dare to look at it. I intend to play this little game of ours fairly."

I don't even know what it looks like though. "How can I know you're not using it, right now?"

"Oh, my. You sure are asking me a lot of questions when you should really be running right about now."

There was a slight pause in our conversation before she finally caved in. "Alright, I'll tell you. You sure do get so paranoid sometimes, you know?"

She pulled out a pocket watch, and proceeded to explain to me how it works. "See? So, unless I bring this out, I won't be able to know your current location."

And neither could you know who they are if they're only a dot that appears on screen. Should I hide out in the house? All the other kids are there, so it could possibly confuse Isabella. No, the risk would be too high. Emma and Norman are aware of the orphanage's secret, and mom could potentially use me as bait to lure them out. Not to mention that she knows exactly how many kids are there right now, she would immediately realize something's off.

"That's weird, It appears that I've let the other one escape. Oh well." She scoffed.

The other one? Does she mean Conny? "What do you mean other one?"

She smiled at me before storing her radar back in one of her pockets. "Enough dilly dally, shall we resume our game?"

We shall. I sprinted full speed ahead at mom. she was caught off guard for a second, but remains diligent and stuck out her arms in an attempt to not let me past. When we were about a foot apart, she reached out her right arm to grab me, but I ducked low and used the opening she gave me to blow past her.

I gained a huge sum of distance from her, but the problem is now I don't know where ever she could be. "Elios, Elios, the woman is coming Elios' way."

Never mind, I'm glad to have Nevermore by my side through this. He can guide me through every move mother will throw at me.

What Emma Lost | The Promised Neverland Fanfiction [OLD VERSION]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang