The Life of A Grace Field Child

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"Good morning, everyone!" Emma says enthusiastically.

"Good morning, Emma!" The children who stopped eating took a second to look at Emma before replying.

"Technically, it's the afternoon. This is the second week in a row you've overslept, Emma." Their mama, Isabella, took a second notice at the sleep-deprived girl. "It's not good for your health, if you keep on sleeping late."

"I know, mama. It's just that ever since Elios left, I've had a lot of trouble sleeping. I'd always stay up late wondering how's he doing? Why hasn't he sent a letter yet? Is he so happy that he'd already forgotten about us?" The orange-haired girl babbled.

She was used to fellow house members being adopted and leaving Grace Field. Although it sucked that they weren't around anymore, she eventually got over it. She always wishes them the best, and hoped that they're new found lives of being adopted were wonderful. Elios was different. She wished him the best, like every other one of her siblings that gone before him, but their was this tightening in her chest whenever she thinks of him. She couldn't quite make it out, yet she enjoyed it nonetheless. Now that he was gone, Emma found this experience painful.

"I'm sure Elios is fine. Besides, it's only been two weeks. I'm sure he'll notify us when he has a chance." Isabella soothed out Emma's worries.

"Mama's right, Emma." Norman chimed in. "Elios is probably just having the time of his life being engulfed by his parents. I'm sure he'll likely reach out to us next week."

  "You're right. I just miss him that much, you know?" Emma melancholically said.

"We all do, Emma. Try not to worry so much, okay? You'll probably hear from him soon." Their mama said. "Now eat your lunch before it gets cold."

Emma then puts on a smile and hurried off to sit on an empty chair. Their lunch was delicious, it definitely cheered up Emma. Although it lacked something that only Elios could cook. Yes, before Elios was adopted, his daily chore in the house would be cooking the other children's breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It was mesmerizing, as the children would describe. It looked like something that came from a five star restaurant, yet it felt homey when you actually eat it. It weirdly gave them warmth emotionally. They all liked Elios' cooking, but they couldn't understand how it always made them feel better about everything.

Outside the house was a raven-haired boy, sitting under a tree. He just got done eating right before Emma came in. He didn't have much else to do, so he just went outside to get some fresh air. Underneath the tree, he was sulking. He had a plan to not just save Norman and Emma, but Elios as well. He planned it perfectly. He intentionally got Elios to head towards the gates, and let him find out about the demons. He never came back though. It was pass midnight when Ray eventually settled on the conclusion that Elios was discovered by one of the demons, and was eaten.

"Damn it." He muttered.

"Damn it all!" He then shouted.

In his head, he was blaming himself for what he thought happened to Elios. He spent years planning their escape, and he failed right at the beginning. So, he swore to himself that what happened to Elios wouldn't happen to neither Emma or Norman. He would do anything to set them free, even if it costs him his own life.

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