Interrogating The Ratri Clan

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Geez, this man's difficult to carry back to the cliff. His kicking and futile attempts to escape aren't helping either. Both his hands and legs were tied up, good thing I brought a rope. His mouth was also restricted from calling upon his allies because I used a piece of cloth as a gag. I need to get as much information from him quick though before his buddies come looking for him.

As soon as we reached the edge, I removed the cloth and allowed him to speak. "Fucking hell, you're that Grace Field bastard that escaped, aren't ya?"

So, he knows? But what does that have to do with him? "Tell me, what do you know about the plantations?"

He looked smug. "And what if I don't want t—"

The man screamed out in pain, but I wasn't worried. I've been living out here for almost a month, I know that no one from the village would be able to hear anything up here. He can yell all he wants, but until he spills out his guts then this isn't going to be easy for him. His leg was bleeding from the pistol. It wasn't mine though, I used his. The pistol he was using came equipped with silencer for a barrel. Screaming won't be a problem, yet I wasn't sure of gunfire so I didn't take any chances.

"You son of a— fuck, that hurts." I pointed the gun between his eyes. "Fine! What do you wanna know?"

Everything, of course, but let's start with something easy. "Who are you people? And why aren't demons eating you?"

"That's an easy one, we're part of a little something called The Ratri Clan, ever heard of it? We're actually out on a mission."

A mission? "What kind of mission?"

"A manhunt, kid. You're causing us a lot of trouble, you know that? The higher-ups ordered us to find and eliminate you, stating that you're whole existence was a proof of their failure or whatever. It's been near six damned months since we've scoured every single forest, desert, and plains out there, but you still managed to avoid us. If I weren't so pissed, I would be impressed. And as for why demons don't eat us is because they're aware of who's the hand that feeds them."

Yeah, I figured as much. So, I guess I could cross out asking help from these guys. I needed to know more though. "What exactly is the main goal of The Ratri Clan? Why keep children from living normally and have us be fed to demons?"

"Seriously? I thought you would've already figured this one out, to be honest, with you being a quote-on-quote genius."

The so-called higher-ups must acknowledge me as some kind of threat then, if they're refer to me as a genius. I'm actually quite flattered. It's true that I've always scored the highest among my Grace Field peers, but the test didn't seem like they were all that hard though.

"I'll tell you what I know, but I maybe wrong on this. So, don't hold me accountable for it. These demons eat because they'll devolve if they don't. They take on the characteristics of whatever they ha—"

"That's not what I asked. I said why do children like me still need to be farmed?"

"I just answered that, you fucking mor—"

"They don't need to though. The demons, they don't need to consume us to keep themselves from devolving. They can just ask for Mujika to lend them her blood, can't they?"

"Mujika? You mean the fucking heathen? The hell do you even know about those?"

Truthfully? A month after my grand escape, I met her and Sonju. At first, I was reluctant on staying with them, but they taught me the basics of survival. They're essentially the reason why I even survived this long. Not all demons are bad, I suppose. Sadly, we had to part ways, but they told me about something called the five walls, I think? Or what is seven? Mujika told me to find it, but she wasn't clear about why.

"We've met. Would you think it's ridiculous for someone like me to say that they're actually beings I care for?" Funny enough, I do.

"I'm having second thoughts about you being a genius. Right now, you sound like a complete nut job." He still hasn't answered my question, and I was getting impatient. There was a slight pause in our conversation and we were finally back on track.

"How should I know? I'm just a hired gun. I don't run any of the fucking farms."

I guess that was to be expected as well. If wanted to know why, I needed to ask someone with actual power. But there was still a question I wanted to ask of him.

"How do I get to the human world?"

It was something I always wanted to know, but none of the books in the shelter's archives have anything about it. The rest of the kids and I will need a place of refuge. Surely, there has to be a way, right? The mister said that he and his colleagues was told by William Minerva of a way out of the demon world. It was in Goldy Pond, but apparently, there was nothing according to Mister. So, I wanted to know if there was a different way.

"Tough luck, kid. There isn't a way out of this hellhole."

"What about the seven walls? Do you know where it is? Or what it is, even?"

"Not a clue. As far as I know, the thing's a myth. Multiple stories have spread regarding it, but none showed any real proof of its existence or location."

Crap, maybe I should've asked Mujika more about it before they left. I guess I no longer have any need for this guy, huh?

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