Who's William Minerva?

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It has been 8 hours since I've invaded the mysterious man's shelter, and half of it was spent in the archives. In here, I've gained a large mass of knowledge, but I couldn't find the information I was looking for. Eventually, I went back to the monitor room to check on the man whom I knocked out cold and supposed owner of this shelter.

I finally got their, but the mister was still asleep on the chair I tied him up in that was placed in the center of the room. Did I really hit him that hard?

I then went into the kitchen to cook a meal. It's been too long since I've had a proper meal, and too long since I've cook one. I checked every cabinets for ingredients, but it looked as though the shelter is running low on stock. This must've been the reason why that man's been running in 'n out this shelter. He was gathering food, but by the looks of it, he doesn't seem to be having the best of luck. Well, there's still a couple of things left that I could possibly salvage into a meal decent enough to eat. Let's get to cooking then.

After I got done eating, I thought it might be a good time to check back on the mister. Sure enough, he was wide awake. Yelling and swearing at me like an unhinged lunatic.

"You little shit! I swear, once I get out of this, you're gonna pay!" The mister said.

"You think you're funny? Tying me up like this, just wait 'till I get loose! You're dead!"

"You hear me? What? Are you deaf? In the count of three, you better untie me this instant and get out of my home!" Geez, he just keeps rambling on and on, doesn't he?

"You're running low on food, aren't you?" The question seemed to have made the mister taken aback.

"What's it to you?"

"This shelter is now my home, too. I have to know more about this place, if you and I expect to live."

"Hey, kid! Just so we're clear, I don't intend to share this shelter with anybody. There's only limited resources in this place, and I ain't sharing. I don't need any more deadweights like you!"

So, there are others? Interesting. I walked towards the table and sat on top of it, cross-legged, before deciding to speak again. "Where are they?"

The mister looked confused. "Who?"

"The deadweight. You said you didn't need any more like me. I assume, you're talking about other people?"


"Thanks, but you still haven't answered my question." I replied.

"They're dead, if you really wanna know. We were escapees of a plantation called Glory Bell, but after discovering a letter from Minerva, we set out to Goldy Pond. Along the way, numerous among our group died. When we eventually got their, we found out that it was actually a hunting ground for poachers. They all died one after the other, I'm the only one whom survived."

So, there's also other orphanages? Apparently they're called plantations. How many are there then? Hunting grounds? Minerva? Seems like there's still a lot more questions that are in need of answers.

"I'm sorry for your lost, mister."

"Don't be! It happened a long time ago. Besides, I blame Minerva for this. The man's a dirty liar! But the liar did me good, this shelter has everything provided for me."

"Speaking of Minerva. Who exactly is he?" I asked, genuinely having no clue who he is. This man blamed him for everything bad that came his way, not to mention that he actually provided the shelter we currently reside in. I wanted to know more, especially if he can help me break out the other kids.

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