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Jungkook POV

I struggle against the ropes bonding me to the chair,

One of the figures draw nearer, raising a hand to clasp around the ornately embroidered hem of their hood,

They bring the fabric down, revealing a woman
A woman with long, straight, auburn hair, a fringe settled neatly along her brow,

"Wh-why am I here?" I stutter out,

"We-" she gestures to the other three figures in the room, "need you"

"For?" I inquire, still struggling against my bondage.

She doesn't say anything else, only she starts to stride over to me licking her lips,

Wait... I thought I saw... never mind.

When she's in front of me, she takes my shoulders firmly and leans down to whisper in my ear,

"This is going to hurt... a lot"

Before I can process what she said I feel a sharp pain in my neck, and a hot trickling as blood drips down to my collarbone.

I feel a suction where the pain was, I look down to see the woman sucking my neck,

Sucking my blood.

I attempt to shake her off,

"What the hell!?!"

She continues, I feel my hands start to tingle, the feling slowly leaving them,

I start to daze off, my head pounding and vision blurry,
but I'm brought back to my senses by a voice on the other side of the room,

"Lisa, that's enough, or he'll turn..." the voice demands sharply,

She doesn't remove her face from my neck, only keeps drinking.

I feel my head spinning, the world slowly, into the the narrowest vignette,

Black closing in around me,
I lose consciousness...



Leaves and bark,

Leaves, bark and the smell of fresh air.

I open my eyes slowly, only to snap them shut again.

Blinding light,

Natural light.


I attempt to sit up, my bones screaming in agony with every movement,

Rubbing my ice-cold face, I clearing my vision and looking around,

I'm in a forest, a forest of silver birch,

The sunlight reflecting of their bark, making the, shine like a thousand moons,

The soft green fern around me rustling in the breeze,

Where the heck am I?

I feel hungry, like I haven't eaten in weeks.

My hair is dusty and unwashed, and I smell of old sweat and blood.

I stand up and look around, the trees are spaced out but I still can't see an end to these woods,

No signs

No dirt track


I start walking in a direction which I assumed was west, judging by the sun.

As I walk I start to hear the gushing of water,

I follow the sound and come to a pond, still like glass, only disrupted by the flys skimming the surface.

I look down into the water, at my reflection and sigh.

That's when I saw it, or should I say them.

My teeth, they've changed.

I still have my rabbit-like incisors, but my canines, have morphed,

Gotten longer and pointier.

I remember the night before, or whenever it was,

She was drinking my blood,

Then a single sentence came to mind.

"Lisa, that's enough, or he'll turn..."

Does that mean... I'm like that.

I've only ever though if vampires as mythical creatures loved by screenwriters and Goths.

Not as a real thing.

But everything points to that conclusion.

I cup some water in my hands, taking a long drink.

What am I gonna do?  (A/N kookie loves ending his parts with frozen quotes apparently)


I'm watching TV in my hotel room,

Shoving popcorn into my mouth, I've seen this movie a million times but it still never gets old.

I've had a movie marathon, since the hotel service brings me any DVD I ask for,

First there was the old Jumanji, then Jurassic park,

And now I'm on to "The Princess Diaries"

As I watch A sharp pain starts in my neck, blood starts dripping down to my shoulder,

"Wh-what the fuck?" I feel my neck,

I rush to the bathroom and grab a towel, (checking the wound for foreign bodies since I'm no idiot),

I hold it on my neck,

I have no idea what caused that.

I sit back down, after calling an ambulance and wait for the bleeding to slow.

I yawn, starting to feel tired, my head has started throbbing like I've got the flu.

I feel my body start to sway,

Don't pass out again Y/N you drama queen

Too late.



I'm going to write a sequel, since so many people wanted one!

So what do you think of a vampire kookie?

Yah or nah?

Anyway, thanks for reading!



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