5-(Beep) [E]

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I walk towards Jungkook, locking eyes with him,
I get butterflies, but that's normal, because he is my bias.

I outstretched my hand and he follows suit,
Then suddenly I slip, I grab the nearest thing which is Jungkook's hand,
A fiery hot pain, and my face starts flushing,

That's not normal.

I fall and smack my head on the table, all I see is jungkooks watering eyes before the darkness encases me.




I slowly open my eyes,

Dazzling white lights and the smell of rubber and bandaid cream.

I close them again.


That must be my phone going off, I think.

So instinctively reach out to my right hand side,

F*ck, my hand hurts.

but instead of picking up my phone, my hand become entangled amongst a whole load of wires.

"What the?" I murmur as I sit upright.
And look around.
There is only one person here, and thats Mika sitting next to my bed, chuckling.

When she sees me a look of concern falls upon her face.

"Wh-where am I?"I ask, Stifling a yawn.


"Seoul Central Hospital, Ward 69" she replies, her concerned expression not shifting.

"What!? What happened?!" I exclaim,

"I don't know, you just came out of the studios on a stretcher and that's the last I saw of you until I got here." She replies, seemingly calm.

So that's how I came out, of course it is.

Just then a nurse comes over and says "there are 7 young men wanting to see you, do you want me to send them in?" She asks.

"Seven?! I-"

I'm cut off by Mika "Yes send them in" she replies coolly,

The nurse disappears for a few minutes, and then returns accompanied by none other than...



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