3-(The Wait) [E]

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You arrive outside the studios, there are so many girls here, and so many are taller then you.
"Here we are!" Says Mika, Grinning Wildy at you,
"Don't" you whine, nerves taking hold of your very soul...again.
The Queue is massive, you start to worry that you won't get a chance in the auditions.
When you tell Mika this she just laughs,
"Don't stress! You're on the list!"

You take your phone out and start looking more stuff up about the auditions,

"We would like to say that if you have the place, you will be notified via video call/text message.

"Omg Mika! You get a video call if you get in!" You squeak excitedly,
"I bet you're looking forward to that!" She says, smiling cheekily,
"Yah! Who says I'm going to get the part!" You yell, punching her arm playfully.


The line grows slowly shorter, some girls come out crying, some smiling, and some look positively dazed.
And you sit there wandering to yourself, how will you leave there? Grinning, head in the clouds or bawling your eyes out?
The balling your eyes out thing seems more real to you at the moment.

A/N juss a filler chapter! Nothing special but believe me, it's gonna get hot up in here, no not like that ya lil nasties!
Anyway! cya folks-JB

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