23 (Simple Serenade)

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I'm woken up by the light,
All the lights are on.

If you wake me up by turning on all the lights, there's a 100% chance that I've already started planning 10 different ways to kill you. [ Creds for that sentence to PurpleSnowflakeX33  check out their works ;) ]

I hear the faint tinkling of keys, of music notes.


I roll over after checking my phone, 6:30pm

Until I hear the beautiful singing,
A simple serenade, but made so much better by his amazing voice,

(A/N I wrote this myself in like 2 minutes so don't judge)

"Why can't it wait,
Dont go away,
Stay one more day,

My everything
That's what you are,
My healing to my scars,

Your touch,
My tight heart,
Bursts free and takes flight,

To let loose and just soar,
Away from all the pain
And all the sore,
A feeling like I've never felt before,

Soaring through the sky,
Over and over,
My sweetheart, my four-leaf clover,

My love, let's just fly above the sorrow,
All I need, just stay until tomorrow,

All I need, please do heed-
My request,
I promise I will try my best.

My sweetheart."
I copyright this so don't steal it. 💜

It sounded so sad, yet euphoric,
If that's possible.

I sit up and look over at him,

"GOOD MORNING Y/NNNNNNN" he says rushing over and jumping on me,


"I heard you playing the piano and singing that song!"

He blushes and scratched the back of his neck,

"It was freaking adorable"

"Uh- th-thanks?"

"So... what do you wanna do this evening?"

"I wanna get food." He says, rubbing his stomach,

"OMG me too! Twinning!"

"Well we are soulmates!"

"Ok the f*ck Kookie we're humans we need to eat, all of us" I say, getting up to get changed,

"We're still soulmates!" He says, grabbing my arm and pulling me back down, rubbing his nose on mine.


We get into the Lobby and leave the hotel,

"Where do you wanna get food?" I ask, looking at him,

"I have somewhere special I wanna take you" he says, taking my hand and pulling me down the street.


Hey ppl! Sorry it's just a filler-chapter,
I just wanted to get something out this week,

Hope you guys enjoy this chapter,
Thx so much for reading,


Cya Folks-JB

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