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(Listen to the truth untold)

Jungkook POV
"Tell them we need two maps because Si-hyuk wants us to split up" Namjoon says to me,

I run in the direction Y/N and Jimin-hyung went. (Dasi run run run)

As I walk up I'm about to scoff at the kissing couple by the map stand when I realise who it is,

Y/N and Jimin!?

I feel the tears start coming, I run the opposite direction,

I knew she'd prefer Jimin, I saw the way he looked at her,

I should've known I wasn't good enough,

I run till my legs start to get tired then I stop.

And just cry.

After the whole weekend, why would she do this!?

And Jimin?! After last time!?

I should've known all girls were the same, they go straight for Jimin.

Not me.

After putting it behind me last time, I had forgiven him, but now is worse, his soulmate.

I just stand there and cry, the rain coming down onto my head, dripping down my neck into my shirt,

Mingling with the tear,

"Jungkook!" I hear a faint voice cry,

I turn around to see Y/N sprinting up to me,

"What do you want?"I ask coldly,

"It wasn't what it looked like!" She says, a pathetic lie.

"It was all it looked like, Jimin being Jimin and you being just like all the other girls"

"No it wasn't! I swear!"

"I don't believe you" I say, keeping my face blank,

"I just-"

I cut her off,

"I don't What care what you were just doing, stay away from me for the rest of this trip,"

"Jungkook please"

"Don't "Jungkook please" me, soulmate or not all you girls are the same!" I spit,

No response.

"I thought you loved me!?" I cry,

"I do, it was Jimin forcing himself on me! I did nothing!"

"When I hear that from his lips I'll believe you"

And at that I walk away, into London.


Cya Folks-JB

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