
636 13 4

¡!Smut warning!¡

Just kidding lmao dis pg.


You wake up on the ground.

Below the building.


Your joints feel a bit stiff but you have no bruises, not a scratch,

Leaning over you is a face, a warm, familiar face.

That smile.


He's sat next to you with his hand on your arm, a warm sensation is coming from him.

"Hey... you-uh, fell?" He says, scratching the back of his neck,

"I DID!?" You yell, sitting up abruptly, bracing yourself for excruciating pain,

You felt nothing,

Nothing but the warmth of Jungkook's hand,

"How am I still alive!?" You ask, feeling yourself all over to check if any parts are hanging off,

"You were half alive, and I sort of... touched you"

"You what!?" You ask, disgusted,

"No no, not like that!" He says, looking worried but also half laughing,

"I'm kidding!" You say punching his arm playfully,

"I touched you on the arm, and your cuts just faded away, your bruises disolved".

"Just like that?"

"Yes" he says calmly.

"It's the bond, my mom told me about this before she died,
She told me she wanted me to be happy, with someone who would take care of me,
Who could heal my wounds, mental and physical." You sigh,
"That's why I was kind of resenting being your soulmate, I would feel like I had replaced her"
You hug your knees, contemplating.

"Wow, that's really sweet" he says, sitting down next to you and putting his arm round your shoulders,

"Yes, like you, you're really sweet, for saving me,
For tolerating my fan edits,
Thanks to you I'm alive,
Thanks to you I'm mended. (Took me three tries to spell ,ended correctly, oof I mean mended)

I owe ya one pal."

Hoi ppl,
Thanks for reading, the dramas over for now,

I'm thinking of doing a yoongi x reader, (not soulmate)
I would still update this regularly just I would work twice as hard to do two different story update lmao.

Tell me if ya wanna see that, pls pls pls comment if ya wanna (or don't lmao)

Anywho thanks again,


Cya Folks-JB

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