Chapter twenty-two~ Remember Me!

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Chapter 22

You had managed to nap for all of five minutes before Axel and Reno barged into the room arguing. It turned out Reno was not impressed that his brother had kidnapped the majority of the contents of his wardrobe. Fancy that. You ended up joining there argument from the stand point of ‘Shut up and get out!’  and before you knew it the sun was setting. You were now running through the halls trying to find the exit and wondering who had designed this maze of a building. You were running down what was probably the hundredth corridor when out the window you spied a short figure standing in the shadows in front of a gate. Skidding to a halt in front of the window you recognised Ed in the distance.

Crap his already there, you thought to yourself.

Looking around you still didn’t know how to get outside from here. Actually there was one way. You scanned around one more time to make sure no one was watching. All clear. You quickly opened the latch on the window and pushed it open. Climbing onto the window sill you looked down to see you were on the third floor. No problem. After one more glance over your shoulder you slid off the window sill plummeting quickly toward the ground. With a flick of your wrist a wind vortex formed underneath you and you gracefully rode it all the way to the ground. As soon as your feet were safely planted on the floor you sprinted off in the direction of Edward hastening your pace with a speed spell.

By the time you reached Ed he was looking at the time on a silver pocket watch.

“Hey Ed,” you slightly puffed.

“And I thought I was going to be the late one,” Ed gave a cheeky smirk.

“Sorry I got a little lost,” You replied with a sheepish grin.

“Was that you I saw falling out of the third floor window?” Ed raised an eyebrow.

“You say falling I say taking a short cut,” you corrected.

“Sure,” Ed gave a wary look. “Anyway we should start patrolling” he shook his head.

“Lead the way,”

You had been following behind him in silence for a little while as no fiends or shadows had appeared yet. You were thinking how that big red coat he wears wouldn’t be very easy to fight in when you notice the government insignia on the back.

“You’re a state alchemist?” you broke the silence.

“Huh,” Ed turned around “yeah I am. I heard you’re a state mage”

“Was,” you corrected thinly veiling your disgust at the mention.

“Still that’s a pretty great feat for someone your age,” Ed told you.

“Someone my age? You don’t look that much older than me,” you scoffed folding your arms.

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