Chapter 10 ~ A Match To Remember!

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Chapter 10

After spending your lunch break with Ryner he very kindly offered to take you to class. He then informed you this was the first and last time he would be your tour guide and then suggested you should just stick with your classmates because he doesn’t have the time to baby sit. Aw, isn’t he cute when his trying to thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to spend time with him. Anyway, thanks to Ryner you were the first person to class, magical theory with mage Lulu. The classroom was a large stone room with endless bookshelves on the back wall. There were single wooden desks and chairs arranged in the middle of the room to face the teacher’s desk and a large black board at the front. You took a window seat second from the front and gazed out the window. The room was on the sixth floor so you had a great view of the courtyard bellow. You stared lazily out the window until you heard the squeak of the hinges as the classroom door opened. Turning toward the door you saw a stern faced woman with long braided black hair and a long black dress of which the bottom was made out of intertwining black and grey belts, stride into the room carrying an armful of textbooks. She looked at you but didn’t say anything as she walked to her desk and placed the text books down.

“Miss ------, I presume,” She eyed you walking over.

“Yes, and your mage Lulu?” you asked.

“Students just call me Lulu,” she informed. You thought it a little strange that such a serious looking women would allow the students to address her so informally but you weren’t about to question her ways. She looked you up and down, assessing you. You could tell she was a strong mage and was probably trying to work out you magic type and style. You of course being you knew exactly how to mask your magic flow. She studied your face and you smiled sweetly in return. The bell to signal the end of lunch rang.

“Is there a problem,” You looked into her eyes innocently.

“… No… Welcome to the class,” She walked back to her desk, the heels of her boots clicking on the cold stone floor as she went. You internally smirked. During you little introduction you managed to stop her from figuring out your own magic type while discovering Lulu was a balanced elemental mage with skill in fire, ice, lightning and water magic. She would probably be a formidable opponent.

After a minute or two your classmates began to file in. Axel, Roxas and Demyx were the first to enter and funnily enough Roxas sat next to you, Demyx in front of you and Axel sat behind you.

“Where’d you disappear to at lunch?” Axel asked.

“I was sitting with a friend,” You told him.

“A friend? Aren’t I your friend,” Axel raised an eyebrow.

“A different friend,” I told him.

“Who?” he questioned.

“Name starts with an ‘R’,” You teased.

“Not my brother, anything he says about me is a lie. A big fat one!” Axel defended.

“Not your brother,” You giggled at his reaction. “Ryner.”

“Professor Ryner?” He asked in disbelief.

“Yeah why,”

“Nothing really, he’s just a bit of a loner. Never really pictured him having friends.” Axel said.

“Yeah well he’s a great friend of mine. If you bothered talking to him you might become friends too,” You told him in an attempt to expand Ryner’s social circle. Axel was about to say something back but Lulu cut him off, clearing her throat to quite the room for class to begin.

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