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He has to choose. He has the right to choose which side he wants to stay and be loyal with.

Seokjin slipped off the sixty thousand USD Tiffany & Co.
platinum diamond engagement ring from his finger.

He take off the bow. Tore off the white custom made suit meant to grace the altar of happiness.

There is a silver glove wrap around his hands, and he took them off too.

Then he finally made a choice for his future.

He turn his body. Not towards the door.

The window.

He grab the mattress, swirling, tied them up together to make a long rope for him to climb out from the three storey room.

He bind them to the bed's footboard, throwing the other site out from the window.

"Jinnie.." he hear Namjoon's still calling him.

"Yeah! Wait, I'm coming!"


Tbc    140

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