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"nooo johnny..." mark whined in his sleep. "don't jump!!" he said sleepily as he twisted in johnny's arms. 

johnny's eyes slowly opened as he noticed mark still sleeping soundly in his embrace. "nooo, i'm gonna go in first~" mark mumbled, as he tried to squirm free from his embrace. "mark," johnny whispered.

mark's eyes slowly opened to see johnny looking at him. "oh good morning hyung~" mark said sleepily, still not in touch with reality. "good morning to you too sleep talker." johnny laughed softly.

"sleep talker?" mark asked, still not understanding. "markie, you're not fully awake yet are you?" johnny chuckled. "wake up mark, it's morning time. you were talking in your sleep, it was cute though.."

"wait, wait, wait," mark said as he rubbed his face with his hands. "oh shit," mark groaned as he rubbed his temples. "i was talking in my sleep? god dammit, fuck, i should've taken my pill last night-"

"woah, woah, woah, what's with this language mark?" johnny said in a fake-disappointed tone. mark sighed, as he sat up. "i didn't take my sleeping pill last night, that's why i was talking, sorry.."

"you don't need to apologize, it was cute actually." johnny admitted sheepishly. "to you it was, let me get washed up real quick and then we can eat." mark said, as he went to johnny's bathroom. 
"you aren't a morning person are you?" johnny asked as he walked in on mark brushing his teeth. mark shook his head no, "nope. i never was to be honest. mornings always suck either way."

"they only suck if you make them suck," johnny said as he wiped his face with a wet towel. "you just want to be right." mark spat back. "no i don't," johnny said with a smile as he backhugged mark.

"i just want you to be wrong." he admitted. "same thing!" mark pouted as he felt johnny's grip tighten. "idiot." mark mumbled in korean. "yah, what did you-" johnny gasped as he looked at mark.

"idiot." mark spat at him. "johnny-ah, you're an idiot!" mark then said in korean straight in his face. "oh, now you've taken it too far." johnny said as he picked up mark and threw him over his shoulder.

"yah! put me down!!" mark whined as he kicked his legs. johnny threw him on the bed as he began tickling mark aggressively. "s-stop! y-yah!" mark said as he began to laugh uncontrollably. 

"h-hyung!" mark said again, as he saw the devilish smirk plastered on johnny's face. "this is what you get for calling me an idiot!" johnny laughed as mark squirmed all over the bed. "johnny!"

"s-stop!" mark giggled, as he tried to fight back. "johnny! oh my god, please s-stop!" mark said as he struggled to breathe between laughs. eventually, johnny gave in, stopping to let mark get a breath.

"oh my god," mark said panting. "you're a monster." johnny wheezed at that statement, "me? a monster? i maybe six foot but i am the nicest guy you will ever meet who's tall. i could've been worse."

"well, thank god that i don't have to deal with that then." mark sighed in relief. suddenly, johnny's phone began ringing, and he grabbed it to see who it was. it was mimi, johnny then frowned.

"what's wrong? who is it?" mark asked concerned. "give me a minute," johnny said as he answered the call. 

'fucking finally.'

"cut the bullshit mimi, what do you want?"

'you johnny. i just want you.'

"okay, well too bad."

'break up with mark.'

"what? no, i'm not gonna do that."

'but i'm forcing you to johnny.'

"stay away from me and mark, i'm serious."

'no promises johnny suh.'

"mimi? hello? oh my fucking god," johnny groaned as he realized mimi hung up the phone. "what? what did she say?" mark said as he got up from the bed. "i can't stand her." johnny groaned.

"she said that i need to leave you," johnny told him. mark's expression dropped, his face filled with disappointment. "you're not...going to right?" mark asked, his words trailing off in nervousness. 

"of course not." johnny assured him. "we just need to be more careful now." 



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