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"what do you mean you're leaving?"

mark's dad shrugged, "your mother and i were offered a stay at this christ redemption camp as a welcome gift from the church. so you'll have to find somewhere to stay while we're gone, sorry bud."

"how long are you going to be gone?" mark asked nervously. "just for the week, not too long. you can't stay here by yourself though." mark's dad responded. "how about you ask the neighbor?"

"the neighbor? why would i ask them?" mark asked nervously. "well you seem to be good friends with them, why don't you ask?" mark's dad said casually. he did have a good point honestly.

"i'm not hiring a babysitter, sorry about it." mark's dad concluded. mark had no choice, giving in. "fine, i'll text him tonight. i'm going to do homework." mark said, as he lazily walked up to his room.

mark walked up, and slammed his door. he was honestly tired of his dad pulling random shit like this and being so nonchalant about it. he didn't have a good relationship with his dad to even start.

he flopped on his bed, and opened his phone to text johnny and ask him if he could spend the night.

hey can i ask u smth

yeah sure whats up

my dad and mom are 
going out of town for this
church thing and i need
somewhere to stay


you wanna stay at mine?

that's what i was gonna
ask you

well you can but my party
is this week too

if you dont mind you can
just like stay in my room

well i dont really have any
other choice so

cool, Saturday then??

yeah, see you saturday

mark sighed, as he shut his phone and looked up at the ceiling. just then, his phone vibrated again, and it was johnny calling him this time. "what now?" mark mumbled, as he answered the call.

'look outside your window.'


'just do it.'

"well hi there."

'i'm bored, and i want to see your face.'

"so you called me so i could look out your window and see you shirtless?"

'i'm always shirtless.'

"what do you want johnny?"

'i'm dropping the party saturday, so it can just be the two of us.'

"what? why? you don't need to do that hyung."

'well, i know you didn't wanna go anyway. so i cancelled it for you.'

"you really didn't need to do that, i could've just stayed in your room and hangout there."

'that would be boring though, don't you think?'

"yeah, but canceling your party seems excessive."

'well i just cancelled it, so saturday you and i can have the night to ourselves.'

"fine. no alcohol though."

'of course not markie.'


"mark? mark, wake up."

mark looked up to see johnny hovering above him, "johnny?" mark said sleepily. "there he is, did you sleep well?" johnny smiled. "i guess so." mark shrugged. "good." johnny said with happiness.

mark sat up, they were in johnny's room. mark looked at his shirt, it was big and loose. was this johnny's shirt? he looked outside, it was raining. mark was in is bed, surrounded by fluffy blankets.

"you like to talk in your sleep, did you know that?" johnny said as he brushed his teeth in the bathroom. "it's cute, you giggle and laugh too." mark was beyond confused, what had happened?

"sorry, um...do you mind if i ask what happened last night?" mark asked awkwardly. johnny rinsed his mouth, and wiped his face clean before coming out. "you don't remember?" he asked smirking.

"no..." mark admitted shyly. johnny chuckled, as he walked to mark and pulled him in for a kiss.

"we're dating, remember?"

mark flinched as he woke up in a cold sweat, breathing heavily. "oh my god," mark mumbled trying to catch his breath. "no, no, no," mark said as he started to panic. "i-i can't be, it's not true-"

his body began to shake, as he started to cry. "no," mark cried. "i can't be, it's not, no, it's  not real, i-i..." he sobbed as tears fell down his cheeks. "please, no god, please no," mark sobbed hard.

"i don't like boys, i don't like them.."


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