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after mark and johnny's stupid argument, mark ended up walking home with johnny and they bid their goodbyes.

even though the argument was pretty lame to mark, he still enjoyed spending time with johnny. it was able to give him a better insight into who he really was, and his true personality which he liked.

johnny enjoyed it too, as it was very obvious when he went into his room and started squealing like a little girl. he was infatuated with mark lee and wanted to get to know everything about him.

was he overthinking this whole project? yeah probably, but he didn't care in the slightest. mark lee was everything that johnny had ever dreamed of and knew that if he didn't have him, it was heartbreak.

johnny laid in his bed, smiling and daydreaming about mark for what seemed like forever until his phone vibrated. he grabbed it from his nightstand, and his dreams stopped as he read the text.

im outside

don't ignore me

i don't wanna bother 
your mom again

"are you fucking kidding me?" johnny mumbled under his breath, getting out of his bed. he walked downstairs, still in his pajamas and slippers, and went out the back door to see his 'girlfriend'.

she stood in front of his car, a smirk plastered on her face. "okay, tell me what the hell you're doing here now? it's nine-pm and dark." johnny complained, just wanting her to get to the point already.

"i know you were with mark today." she said bitterly. "don't ask me how i have my ways on finding out. but this isn't about him, it's about you." johnny rolled his eyes, "it's always about me bitch."

"excuse me!?" mimi gasped. "you've got some nerve to say that right in front of me. did mark suck your dick or something?" she teased, laughing at him. "don't fucking say that!" johnny shouted.

"oh, so it's true? that you finally got fucked by a guy like you've always wanted because you're a dumb fag and also the most popular guy at school?" mimi snarled. "shut your mouth." johnny warned.

"johnny, let's face it. you like little markie and you're gay. who cares if we're dating! it's all an act so i don't expose your ass and you get fucked and your reputation gets ruined!" mimi taunted him.

"you don't get to call him that!" johnny retaliated. "why does it matter to you anyways!? is my sexuality really that threatening to you?!" mimi scoffed, "of course not. it' threatening to the world."

"i swear to god, all you do is piss me off. is there ever a day where you don't bother me? whether it's over text, over the phone, or in this case my fucking house!? tell me mimi!" johnny shouted angrily.

"let's just face it johnny," mimi started. "you're a worthless nobody, everything that you show at school is a lie, everything you say is a lie, everything you do is a lie. stop being someone you're not."

"and as for mark? well stay away from him unless you want your little secret exposed because in the end mark doesn't like you, in fact, he hates you. his dad is a priest right?" mimi provoked, smirking.

"johnny suh, you're just a piece of shit to society. you won't and never will be anything, even if you tried your hardest. so give up, expose yourself, and let the world kick your ass." mimi goaded.

"why are you fucking like this mimi han!?" johnny screamed at her. "you act like you're all perfect too, when in reality you're a fucking bitch who ruins people's lives for your own satisfaction!"

"you don't care about other people, you never fucking did! you lie to your parents about your grades by having sex with teachers, you brag about your 'lavish' lifestyle," johnny said, starting to rant.

"but the truth is mimi, you're the worthless nobody. so just wait, and let the world kick your ass instead." johnny gritted, before walking back into his house.


go off

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