"Well, me son. Youse were parked in the middle of da road.  'ow cud Ise git pat youse?"

"You could have just politely asked."

"Yes, boy, Ise cud 'ave I guess, but Ise was in a 'hurry. I 'ad to get 'ome to take me blood pressure pill, before Ise cud take me prostate pill."

Bill was utterly confused and lost for words.

Henry laughed.

"Youse jest be lucky dat it twas me dat were out dere on da 'ill and not Freddy Simpson. Dat young whippersnapper probably would have pushed your truck right into da ocean."

He leaned in close to me.

"Freddy was born without a full 'ead of brains, ifin youse knows what I means."

"I think so."

Henry took Bill's hand and started shaking it again.

"Anyways, no 'ard feelins me son."

Bill had to smile.

"Ah sure. No hard feelings."

He took his wallet from his front pocket.

"Mr. Wells said I should settle up with you."

"Fer what?"

"He said you supplied me with food and sundries and such."

"Bye, Ise gave youse some food, but I don't knows what dem sunday tings are."

He looked at Henry.

"Does youse knows what 'e bes talkin' 'bout?"

Henry just shrugged.

Bill explained.

"It is stuff like cleaners and laundry detergent and toilet paper. Things like that."

Henry nodded.

"Yes, me son. I puts some toilet paper and such in the house and somes basics, but I tinks youse best be looking at what else youse might need and then we will settle up.

'ows dat sound?"

Bill nodded, returning his wallet to his pocket.

"Okay. I will take a look at what you got me and then make a list of the other things I need."

Henry nodded.

"Dats sounds like a good idea, me son."

"But while I am here, I might as well pick up some beer and rum and maybe some scotch."


Henry and Harry looked at each other, puzzled.

"Youse wants us to find youse a man from Scotland?" Harry wondered.

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