How you became friends

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After the movie you and Roman exchanged numbers. As a joke, you put 'Kristoff' as his contact name in his phone. You had also taken a picture of him in his coplay and set that as his profile picture. He thought it was funny and ended up doing the same for your contact in his phone for Anna. The two of you would frequently text each other and hang out. You two had weekly movie nights every Friday. The two of you typically watched some sort of disney movie and would sing along every time. (Obviously)

Virgil still felt very bad about almost hitting you with a car (despite Roman being the driver), and kept messaging you to try and make it up to you. He would always start off a message with an apology and would ask if you had thought of any way he could make it up to you. Despite telling him he had nothing to be sorry for and there was no need to "make up for it", he asked you to try and think of something. You ended telling him that he could make it up to you by being your friend. He agreed and you two frequently sass each other.

A few hours after he left the rescue, you were at home and had gotten a call from an unknown number. You answered, thinking if it was a telemarketer you would just mess with them. The phone call had ended up being from patton. He didn't know what food to get for his kitten. Laughing a bit you had told him that the cats were usually fed meowmix. During the call your dog (if you don't have one, just pretend) started barking. Patton got really excited about the dog he heard, and when you told him it was yours he asked if he could come meet (him/her) sometime. You told him yes and he would come over a lot and play with your dog, bringing Vee with most of the time.

After Logan asked questions for his project, you parted ways. You ended up running into each other again at a coffee shop. You didn't have work and you were bored so you decided to see how his project went. He had told you it was "splendid". This caused you to laugh a bit. He noticed and was confused, but then cleared his throat.
"Apologise, I meant to say it was lit" he corrected. This just caused you to laugh harder. At that moment, someone else had approached the table Logan was sitting at. He put a hand on Logan's shoulder.
"Did you make a new friend, kiddo?" The new guy had said. Logan looked at the guy for a moment, and then back at you. He then asked if you considered yourselves friends. You just shrugged and told him "why not" and sat across from him at the table. You would often talk about books and such, but it was usually pretty fun.

After meeting at the convention you found out you and Janus lived in the same town and frequently would hang out. Typically watching shows/movies or talking. You also found out that his friend's name was Remus. They were roommates. He would sometimes come to your place as well, and he usually would hang out with you and Janus when you were over at their place.

How you met:
The two of you met in a junkyard. You were looking for things to upcycle with. You had seen him digging around in a big pile of trash. He had come out of it, covered in trash and holding up a rust metal coca cola sign. When he jumped up, he yelled "I AM THE TRASHMAN" This made you laugh really hard and you ended up letting out a snort. He looked at you after that and started laughing as well. You two ended up talking a bit and you find out he was looking for stuff to decorate his new room without having to pay much. You told him what you were doing aswell and you just ended up helping eachother. Afterwards you two exchanged numbers to let eachother know if you found something good for the other.

How you became friends:
After the encounter at the junkyard, you two stayed in contact. You would mainly send eachother memes and joke around. One day you were bored and made "TRASHMAN" tshirts with an animated Remus holding a vintage coca cola shirt. You had showed up at his house and gave it to him. He loved and and thus declared toy as his Official Best Friend.

A/N: I hope you enjoy! Leave requests or ideas or whatever In the comments!
Peace out Witches, Warlocks, and Non-Binary Wizards!

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