first "I Love You"'s

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You were with Roman at the spot he asked you out. You two loved to go there to spend time together and at away from others. You two were laying on a blanket, and empty picnic basket nearby. He was spooning you and was playing with your hair. You were slowly drifting off to sleep as the sun lowered off in the distance. As you shut your eyes you felt Roman place a kiss on your cheek.
"I love you, Princess" he whispered to you. You smiled and turned yourself in his arms. You looked up at him and see he had a bit of a nervous smile.
"I love you too, my prince." You mumbled before kissing him. When you pulled away you curled up into him and fell asleep.

You were going over to virgil's house because you got a text from one of his roomates. He was having a bad day and was refusing to leave his room. When you got there, you went straight to his bedroom. You didnt bother knocking, you just picked the lock with a bobby pin and let yourself in. When you opened the door you were flooded with darkness. All the lights were off and the blinds and curtains were shut, the only light coming from a small green dot on a speaker that was softly playing music. You could barely make out Virgil buried in a pile of blankets on his bed. You walked over to his bed and sat by him, pulling him into a hug. He dropped the blankets and wrapped his arms around your waist, cuddling into you. You kissed him ontop of his head and rubbed circles on the small of his back with your thumb. You two stayed like that for a while until you heard Virgil sniffle. You pulled away slightly to look at him and you noticed he was crying. You whispered encouraging words to him until he calmed down. You then asked him what was wrong. He told you he was scared to tell you something because he wasnt sure how you would react. You gave him a loving kiss before pulling away and cupping his cheek in your hand. You told him nothing he said would chase you away. He kissed you again, and when he pulled away he hesitantly mumbled "I love you" you smiled and practically tackled him into the bed, causing him to yell in surprise. You kissed him on the nose and told him you love him too.

You were at your house with Patton. You were on the couch cuddling with your dog while Patton was making you two lunch. When he came in with two plates of food, he saw you baby talking your dog and telling him/her how much you love him/her. Patton put the plates down on the coffee table and sat down next to you. He started petting d/n, as he leaned his head on your shoulder. You stopped petting d/n and joking pet Patton. You baby talked him and he smiled up at you. You smiked back at him and kissed him. You told him you love him and he looked as if he wanted to cry. Happy tears, obviously. He kissed you all over your ac saying I love you with every kiss. You laughed at this and you two proceeded to cuddle, watch tv, and eat your lunch.

You were waiting for Logan at the park. You were sitting on a bench reading a book. He had texted you that morning asking you to meet him there, saying he had something he wanted to talk to you about. You were a bit nervous about what he needed to say. Your worries washed away when he sat beside you on the bench. You put your bookmark in your book and put it away and turned to him. He gave you a quick kiss before smiling softly at you. You smiled back at him and asked him what he needed to talk to you about. He took a deep breath and grabbed your hands, looking you in the eyes.
"I've never felt this way for someone. I've never felt anything even close to this for anyone, but you make me feel this way. It's all new to me, but your patient with me. I wanted you to know that I love you" he said it all with a bit of a nervous smile, but never broke eye contact. You let out a relieved sigh and smiled widely at him. You kissed him and told him you love hin too. You told him how happy you are that you two met and that he reciprocated your feelings.

On your birthday he woke you up to breakfast in bed. How he got in, you learned not to question. You two spent the day together until he got a phone call at about 4. He walked into another room to take it and returned with a big smile on his face. He told you that he was going to bring you somewhere. You two drove to a park, and when he told you that you were close he made you put a blindfold on. He helped you out of the car when you got there and lead you somewhere for a few moments. He stopped you and removed the blind fold. You were at a park with a gazebo in the center, fairly lights hanging from it. A bunch of your friends all shouted happy birthday at you. You smiled wide before walking over to them. Janus walking behind you. They all greeted you and wished you happy birthday. You felt Janus snake his arms around your waist.
"Do you like it?" He asked you.
"I love it!" You told him, turning yourself around in his arms.
"And I love you" he smiled at you, booping you on your nose and walking away. At first it flew right over your head, but you realized what just happened and ran over to him. You kissed him passionately before pulling away and leaning you forhead against his, mumbling 'I love you too'

You walked into his house to see him standing on the kitchen table, t-posing at his roomates. When you shut the door behind you, you saw his brother mouth 'help us' to you. You just laughed and got your self an apple from the . You sat on the couch and watched in amusement as Remus "asserted dominance" he winked at you as his roomates tried to get him down.  You rolled your eyes but smiled at him nonetheless.
"I love you bitch!" He yelled as he pointed at you. You laughed and stood up from your place on the couch. You threw out your apple core and dragged him off the table and upstairs.
"I love you too, you idiot" you said to him before you too began to brainstorm ways to annoy his roomates.

He had stayed over at your place over night so you decided to make him breakfast in bed. You were also planning on telling him you love him in the process. You were kind of nervous though.
You made a foam heart in a cappuccino and spelled out 'I Love You' in pancakes with syrup drizzled over them. It was difficult to shape, but you managed. When you finished, you brought the plate and mug up to your room and set it on the bedside table. You shook Remy softly and handed him his breakfast and coffee. He smiled at you and thanked you, before looking down at his food. You saw his smile widen ashe set it back down on the  bedside table. He pulled you into the bed with him and kissed you. He told you he loved you too, and then proceeded to playfully glare at you, saying you stole his idea.

You had approached him one day, saying a friend wanted to tell their partner they love them, but was nervous because they hadn't been together that long and needed advice. You even went as far as to have a friend know about your plan to get Emile's thoughts on it. Emile ended up wanting to call your friend and talk to them, so you did. He told your friend they should just tell there partner out right, and maybe mention they don't have to say it back if they aren't ready and that they just wanted them to know. So after the call, you went to make dinner for you and Emile. You called Emile into the kitchen when you were done and took a deep breath, finally ready to tell him. He walked in and gave you a kiss, before going to get his food.
"I love you" you blurted out, "you dont have to say it back, I just wanted you to know."
He looked a bit shocked at first, but he quickly got a grasp of what was happening and smiled at you and told you he loves you too.

Longest chapter yet at 1523 words. I had a lot of fun writing this one so I hope you enjoy! Leave requests or ideas or whatever In the comments!
Peace out Witches, Warlocks, and Non-Binary Wizards!

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