They spoil you (Part 2)

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A/N: part 2 of the previous preference requested by PeacefulLavender
I wanted to apologize for the random updates. Inspiration hits at random times so a write when I can. Not to mention writers block is a big pain. I should have another preference coming out soon!

It was around 4am on your birthday. Janus was sleeping over at your place, and was sound asleep. No matter how much you tried, you couldn't get yourself to fall asleep. You were stuck in your head. This is the first time your celebrating you birthday with anyone besides your family. You didn't exactly know what to expect. Growing up, you never did much for your birthday. You couldn't afford to. Things were different now though. You had good friends, a stable job where you could support yourself, and an amazing boyfriend who already loved to spoil you. As you were stuck in your thoughts, you felt Janus shift in your arms. He looked up at you with tired eyes.
"What's wrong dear?" He mumbled sleepily as he sat himself up next to you.
"It nothing Jan, go back to bed." You replied, placing a kiss on his temple. He knew about you living situation growing up. And he knew you to well to know that it wasn't 'nothing'. He also knew you to well to where he already knew exactly what was wrong.
He brought his hand up to you face and cupped your cheek. He placed a gentle kiss on your lips before pulling away and smiling at you.
"Don't worry about the day to come, my love." He said softly as you caressed his scales. "Focus on the now"
He laid back down and pulled you down with him. Your arms wrapped around him as he curled up into you, and you both fell asleep.

You woke up on the morning of your birthday, unable to move. You opened you eyes at this to see yourself literally buried under a pile of presents. You groaned and shouted out for Remus. 
"Yes baby?" He asked as he walked in, you view of him obstructed by the presents, placing a few more wrapped gifts onto of the already large pile.
"What the fuck is this?" You ask, nodding your head towards the gifts, unable to motion towards them any other way.
"Your birthday presents from yours truly" he stared matter of factly. You smiled softly to yourself while you rolled your eyes. You somehow managed to get your arms out from under the pile without making it topple, when you saw a flash. Knowing he took a picture of you, you groaned, but smiled nonetheless. You slowly made your way through the pile, and you couldn't help the big smile on your face as you did. You were definitely planning on giving him a hard time for it, but you were also extremely grateful. As you got to the end of the pile you looked up at Remus to see him holding a blanket in front of himself.
"Ready for your final present?" He asked. You could practically hear the smirk you knew he was wearing. You laughed and told him you were.
"IT'S ME!" He shouted as he dropped the blanket. You laughed and blushed slightly at the sight. He was completely naked, with gift wrapping ribbon wrapped around himself and one of the stick on bows covering his junk. He had a string tied around his neck with a tag hanging off of it. The tag read 'Happy birthday baby. I'm all yours'

You ended up having to work on your birthday. Thankfully it was only a four hour shift, but you had to work nonetheless. It was a slow day, only a few customers were there. Nothing interesting happened until Remy walked in. He walked over to the counter as you smiled at him, already making his coffee. While it was brewing, he beckoned you over to him. You obliged with a smile, pulling him over the counter towards you and kissing him.
"Happy birthday babes" he said to you as he handed you a small white box. You set the box down as you quickly finished his drink and handed it to him. You then picked the box back up. He looked at expectantly. Waiting for you to open it. You did and you smiled even wider at what you saw.

You laughed softly as you took it out of the box and put it on

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You laughed softly as you took it out of the box and put it on. He showed you his hand and you saw a matching one. He took it off to show you the inside engaging and saw it said 'hers/his/their bitch" you kissed him again and went to help another customer. Throughout the rest of your shift, Remy kept sliding you different gifts. Mainly jewelry, but a few other miscellaneous things as well. As soon as your shift was over you went to clock out. You came out and walked over to your boyfriend, pulling him into a hug as you buried your face in his chest. He laughed as he rubbed circles on the small of you back. You looked up at him and smiled, tears brimming your eyes. He smiled down at you and kissed you.
"Happy birthday babes" he whispered to you once more.

You birthday fell on a weekday, so Emile had to work. You couldn't lie. You were definitely disappointed. But he told you he had something planned for when you got off. You had nothing else to do that day so you hung around his office. The other people there knew you since you were there so much. You would hang out in Emiles office when he was between patients. As soon as he got off he clocked out and walked you out to his car. He started driving, not telling you where he was taking you. After driving for a bit you found yourself in a crowded area at a theater downtown. He parked at reached across you into the glove box, handing you two pieces of paper from it. He watched you intently as you unfolded them, seeing to tickets to a production of (favorite musical). You eyes lit up as tears started to form and a big smile made its way to your face. You looked at Emile at pulled him into a passionate kiss, which he happily returned.
"Happy birthday Love." He said with a smile.

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed! Leave requests or ideas in the comments!
Peace out witches, warlocks, and nonbinary wizards!

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