They give you a massage

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Request from: PeacefulLavender
Sorry it took me so long to get out.I really liked writing this one though, so I hope you all enjoy!
Warning: minor swearing

Roman knew you were stressed. He just knew. You were sitting at your dining room table when he can over. Your computer was open in front of you, the light from the screen covering your face due to the dimly lit room you were sitting in. You were hunched over the table, eyes narrowed as they went back and forth in between the screen and the papers spread across the table. One hand was sat on the table, your fingers drumming on the table. Your other hand was holding a pen, the cap on the end, resting between your teeth, slightly compressing under the pressure of you biting down. At the sight, Roman couldn't help but sigh at the sight of you. He walked over to you, but you didn't seem to notice. He strode behind you, peeking down at the work spread about. He brought his hand to your shoulders once he noticed how tense you seemed. He jumped at the sudden touch and let out a small yelp. You looked up abruptly, causing your neck to crack from the strain. Your outwardly groan and screw your eyes shut. After a moment you open your eyes and come face to face with a worries Roman. You smile softly at him and lean up slightly, placing a soft, tender kiss on his lips.
"Hello my prince" you mutter before turning back to your work. You hear him sigh as his hands stay in place on your shoulders, his thumbs moving in small circles on the lower back of your neck. You let out a hum as you lean back into his touch, encouraging him to keep going as your eyes flutter closed. He moves his hands to the center of your shoulders, applying pressure and rubbing, the ball of his hands rubbing against your shoulder blades as his fingers ran across your shoulder. You let out a content sigh as you let your head fall back. You eyes slightly opened so you could look up at Roman. He was smiling down at your now relaxed self. You smiled back at him as you shut your eyes completely again. Happy to be in this moment of bliss, making you completely forget all of the stress of the world, even if it was only for a few minutes.

The morning had been a bit rough. You had to get around your house on your own while being sick. Your body felt week, you were having trouble breathing, you had a pounding head ache and you were exhausted. You had to use the wall to help you get around your house. You were in the kitchen making a coffee/tea when you heard your front door swing open. You groaned at the loud noise it caused as you brought your hands to your head, rubbing circles on your temple. Moments later Virgil walked into the kitchen, looking agitated. That is until he saw the state you were in. He was quick to wrap an arm around your waist and bring you to your room. Once you were in your bed he went back to the kitchen to finish making your coffee/tea. When he returned he set it down on your bedside table. You were laying on your stomach when he came in. Your head was rested on your pillow which rested in between your arms. You heard Virgil chuckle softly and the bed dip beside you. You felt he hands wander up your back until they rested on either side at the top. He started with slightly digging the ball of his hand into there place, moving them up and down your back while keeping the pressure applied. You let out a hum in content as he did this. He kept up with it for a while until his hands came up to your hair. He softly ran his fingers through your hair, brushing out an tangled that were there. He kept up with that until he heard your soft snores once you fell asleep.

You had spent the night at Patton's house. When you woke up in the morning you weren't able to get up. Patton's arms were wrapped around your waist, holding you close you to him as he spooned you. You laughed softly as you turned yourself in his arms so you were facing him. You brought your hand up to his face, eyes closed and lips slightly parted while he laid in a peaceful sleep. You rested your hand on his cheek, softly caressing him while he slept. Your other hand traveled to the back of his head, playing with his hair. A few minutes like this passed by before he started to stir. His eyes opened and he smile at you, placing a kiss on your nose. You giggles as you connecting your lips with his. He sighed blissfully into the kiss. His arm resting atop your body traveled from around your waist you your shoulder as he pulled away from the kiss.
"Good morning kitten" he said softly, his voice slightly deeper than usual due to the fact that he jus woke up.
"Good morning sweetie" you replied as he ran his finger to the crook of your neck to the end of your shoulder. He went back to the crook of your neck with slightly more pressure. It felt a bit weird, but nice nonetheless. He sat up in bed and pulled you up with him. He sat in your lap and rested his forehead against your own as he continued what he was doing. His other hand went up to your other shoulder and mimicked the action. You moved your head so your forehead was rested on his shoulder, letting out a soft sigh as he continued. After a couple minutes of this you lifted your head back up and kissed Patton. "Let's go get some breakfast" you said softly to him.

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