Coming out: Genderfluid

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A/N: This chapter is the sides reacting to Y/N coming out as gender fluid. If you would like me to do other versions of this with different identities (I.E. non-binary, trans, etc.) let me know in the comments. I'm basing this version off of my own preference. Y/N will use they/them pronouns and prefer masculine and neutral compliments and terms. Y/N is AFAB in this

-hugs you tight when you tell them
-reassures you a lot
-"I love you no matter what"
-"your my prince"
-he dragged you out to shop
-wanted to expand your wardrobe
-got you lots of "masculine" clothing
-you were very happy
-bragged to the cashier at the store
-"my boyfriend is amazing"
-the poor cashier just wanted to go home

-got extremely worried when you told him you needed to talk to him
-let out a sigh of relief when you told him
-you got confused
-he explained
-he was happy you told him and that you were able to discover yourself
-ran to your room and came back with a sewing measure
-measured you and went on his phone
-refused to tell you what he was doing
-"binders are on their way"

-brought your dog in front of his face
-mimed your dog calling you dad
-you laughed
-you two cuddled as you ranted and explained how you got to the discovery
-he made sure you knew you didn't have to explain yourself to him
-you just wanted to get it out there
-it was nice
-he called you baby boy
-you screamed
-he was confused and scared
-vague explanation saying you liked it
-Patton is to pure to know

-"I support you"
-"gender is a societal construct anyways, it makes no difference to me"
-you two went out to get ice cream
-corrected anyone who referred to you as she/her or any feminine terms (such as ma'am)
-happy day

-"thank you for telling me, darling"
-cuddles. Lots of them
-"can I still call you darling"
-you laugh and tell him yes

-"that's cool"
-changes your contact to 'trashbitch'
-"wanna go commit arson?"
-you ended up playing with fire in an abandoned building

-As soon as you said you are fluid he asked for your pronouns
-"okay. What movie do you want to watch tonight?"

-asks what he can do to help with dysphoria
-offers to help come out to others
-goes back and forth between referring to you as his lover and his boyfriend

A/N: Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed! Leave requests or ideas in the comments!
Peace out witches, warlocks, and nonbinary wizards!

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