"And I won that battle," Agnetha replied. "There was no way I was naming my son George, Charles, Joseph, or even Ray for that matter!"

"Yeah you won for sure Anna," Björn replied. "But as for what our granddaughters want to name our little angels, I really like the name Phoebe and Rose too for that matter."

"I love Madeline, Jasmine, and Amber," Agnetha added.

"I'm glad you like them just as much as we do," Tilda replied. "But you guys are still not gonna know exactly what names we ended up picking until they are born."

"Fair enough," Björn laughed as they finally reached the gates to Agnetha's home.

Björn pulled into the driveway and he, Tilda, Esther, and Signe got all the stuff out of the car before helping Agnetha out of the car and Björn turned off the car engine and grabbed his keys. They entered the house to this sweet smell of delicious food as Linda had made lasagna. The family sat down together for a lovely meal and Linda was more than excited to hear about Agnetha and Björn's shopping trip with the girls.

"So what did you guys end up buying at the store today?" Linda asked.

"Just some new maternity clothes and the girls helped Papa order the new cribs as well as some of the other things we need for the nursery," Agnetha replied.

"Sounds good," Linda replied. "I'm so excited to meet these two little angels."

"Same here," Christian replied. "After all, Mama and Papa deserve this more than anyone. It's already giving Mama something else to live for and I know she always wanted to have more babies with Papa."

"Anyways, how are the names going?" Linda asked as she turned to her daughters. "Did you pick some names out already?"

"Yeah we did Mama," Tilda replied. "Esther and I have already come up with their names."

"And their names are a secret until they are born," Esther added.

"Well what about Signe?" Linda asked. "Did she help you girls pick out what their names were going to be?"

"No," Esther replied irritably. "But she tried too hard."

"How so?" Jens asked.

"She wanted to name the baby Tracey or Patricia or Peggy," Tilda replied. "And in fact, now that I'm thinking about it, I wouldn't be surprised if she wants to name one of the babies Doris as well. Yuck!"

"Well those names are totally old fashioned alright!" Christian laughed. "It's almost 2020 for God's sake!"

"Exactly!" Esther replied.

"What names did you girls think of?" Jens asked as he turned to his two oldest daughters.

"Holly, Rose, Jasmine, Madeline, Amber, Taylor, Ivy, Phoebe and a few more," Tilda replied.

"Those seem like beautiful names," Isabelle replied. "Especially Phoebe and Madeline."

"I love Phoebe as a name as well," Björn replied. "That name is so beautiful yet so unique and I remember seeing that name on a TV show. It was the name of one of the main characters, but I can't remember the name of that particular show off the top of my head. What was that show called again?"

"Friends," Christian replied.

"Yes," Björn replied. "Thank you Christian."

"Well either way, Tilda and I have made our final decision on what their names will be and that's that," Esther announced.

"What if you girls change your minds?" Agnetha asked. "These are my babies you know."

"Don't worry Mormor," Tilda replied. "It's our final decision for sure."

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