A man behind the mask

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Everything I need to know? Finding out who I really am and this eye I kept hidden finally getting to know what it means?

|Days Later|

Sitting on the bench as I remained in cuffs from my hands and feet, all I could think off was the conversation we had days ago.

" have you decided?" giving me the scared from a blink of an eye, I noticed to see the mask guy again

" it would be nice to give me a heads up you know" I said annoyed " but I guess, I'll listen what you have to say" I sigh

" well now " seeing him walking close to me he moved my hair way from the covered eye I always hid from everyone " This" he pointed out as I slowly opened it

" what?" I looked at him confused " The reason why you are an outsider and no one else has this is because you are the first female daughter Uchiha Princess"

" The first female Uchiha?" I said surprised " no, no you are just joking right now. How can I ? if every body knew? why tell me know?" annoyed I felt, I walked in a circle how it didn't make sense " tell me this at least, is my father who everybody thinks he is?"

with silence coming in he finally said that one word " No, your father is who he tried to protect you from"

" protect me from what?" seeing him leave off, I ran putting my hand between the rails " Know what! hey!" he disappeared only able to see the sky and stars

I am the princess Uchiha?

Kakashi's P.O.V.

" Why can't I go see her? Please she did nothing wrong" inside the Hokage's office, I was standing begging for her to see Amaya for something she didn't do

" well it's not my decision now, Kakashi she's behind bars because she failed a duty from going against the law"

" she isn't like that!" slamming the desk " She's was your student and knowing her from the both of us, she isn't the type to go break a rule!"

Tsunade sigh unable to say anything

" I'll find a way to see her even if it means to break a law" Leaving the hokage's office, I quickly walked my way to see her

if only I should have said that... Amaya..

I'll save you , just hold on..

Amaya's P.O.V.

|Month's Later|

As time became minutes and minutes became hours, I started to forget what day and month we were in anymore. The echo and the voices I could hear through my head was nothing but repeated pain.

My clothes was left ripped from the marks they gave me and the purple bruises I had on my body. It didn't matter how many marks they gave me or how long I had to stay even if it means to protect Sasuke..

Sasuke doesn't care for you anymore.. Let him go..

hearing the voices keep running through my head made me feel like I was losing my mind like there was no more hope for me

falling down on the floor as he released the jutsu he had left marks on my body finally able to breathe

" What do you want Danzo" I cough out blood on the floor as I wiped it off my mouth " obviously you still haven't killed or threaten Sasuke" Standing up slowly as I walked towards the rail, I gave him a smirk on my face " Have I bored you?"

seeing him grab my shirt close to him as the rail was between us he gave out an annoyed look " You should of died just like Itachi and the Third" he said

" Your right so you could get what you want" I said to as I tried to get under his skin " but at least you didn't get to become hokage because all you can do is ruin people's live's" seeing him let go of my ripped clothes he pushed me down to the ground

watching Danzo and the anbu walking off I gave a smile for myself as I felt an arm on my shoulder

" Lady Uchiha" hearing Madara say

" I'll join the Akatsuki Madara Uchiha, even if it means ruining my reputation." I said " I'll kill that damn bastard Danzo for what he has done"

Amaya UchihaOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant