Immediately in the forest, he was plunged into complete blindness. The motorbike's headlights provided the only source of light as he zig zagged his way across the vast trees towards the country roads on the other side. Yoongi laughed, the heavy beating of his heart and the adrenaline rush reminded him of his high school days when he used to race underground for fun.

Little would he have known, years down the line, he managed to teach the love of his life his favourite hobby and she got so good at it that he met his match. If you asked him now if he could win against Soo-ji, Yoongi would never admit that he didn't have the confidence to.

In no time, Yoongi jumped his bike into the middle of a country road, leaving the black forest behind. He knew Soo-ji would be heading towards the west side of the border and sure enough, he found her familiar flashy bike abandoned at the side of the desolate path. Slowing to a stop, Yoongi parked his bike some metres away, concealing his bike behind a dense bush before walking towards the border of the city.

He knew he wasn't exactly far behind Soo-ji but the only thing he was worried about was actually finding Soo-ji once he got inside the city. He gathered she would be heading straight to the store first, but the fact that he would lose her for a few minutes inside the city already gave him an uneasy feeling.

Hidden in the dark, Yoongi trampled against the uneven rocky road, keeping as close to the edge of the forest as possible. He kept his footsteps as quiet as a mouse, knowing each step he took in front of him meant he was nearing the high alert city.

His eyesight soon caught on the high security gates in front of him. He positioned behind a tree, observing his surroundings before deciding on the next move to enter the city. He knew from Soo-ji that this was the hour where they began night patrols. It was the only time where there was more movement and more movement meant it was easier to slip into the city. With sharp eagle eyes, he watched as trucks of food and weapons queued to enter the border so that it could be delivered to the rich and powerful side. He observed how the KSI jumped into separate vehicles with machine guns in their hands as they began their daily hunt for the Hope Gang.

A restless feeling began sitting at the pit of his stomach as he watched the numbers of KSI men turning their cars around, heading towards the centre of the city where Soo-ji undoubtedly was. To Yoongi, the uneasy feeling wasn't due to the fact that he had no confidence in handling them by himself. It was the natural instinct he gets with Soo-ji. She was a part of him, like flesh of his flesh and blood of his blood, so to say they were heading her way made him jump to protective mode.

Yoongi finally made his move. He stepped out from behind the tree just as the last KSI patrol car disappeared deep into the city. From what he could see, the number of men were significantly decreased. Most were on the nightly patrols, and the fair few who were around were inspecting the trucks coming in.

Far away from the entrance of the border, he stopped just before the high security gate and looked around. His hands reached forward, grasping onto the rattling metal as silently as he could and lifted one leg up.

But just as he was going to jump over, hushed voices to his left caught his immediate attention. Yoongi, sharp and alert, reacted fast. He withdrew back, diving behind a forest tree and peeped out. He squinted his eyes, taking a closer look as the group with the hushed voices came into view. A teenage boy, no older than seventeen, with an angelic face caught Yoongi's eyes first. His mouth sucked on a lollipop like an innocent child and he looked far too young and far too happy. He stood out like a sore thumb and he definitely didn't look like he belonged there. From all he could see, the innocent teenage boy stashed a bundle of cash into the other men's hands and they all happily strolled off.

ALWAYS You: Swan's Shadow [YOONGI] (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now