This is like you want me to explain what water taste like

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Please don't kill me, i'm sorry.

It was MONDAY morning, and i HAD to go to school, but really i didn't mind at all, for once, because i was happy.

For the first time in a long time i was happy, finally happy.

I't took it freaking 17 years to come to me, but it was worth the wait.

After the kiss, i invited him inside, and we talked and talked and talked. It was like i just could talk with him, about everything in this world.

We were on the sofa, cuddling. His hand were around my waist, he was hugging me tight. And it didn't felt weird in any way.

Because i loved the feeling of someone loving me in that was, like he said he couldn't live without me and he broke up with his girlfriend for me, then he must like me, right?

Well back to reality.

Kate was in my view, should i tell her what Sam did? Omg i never in my whole life had i been nervous to talk about boys with Kate, i've always been like 'ew his ugly' or 'you could do so much better than that kat', but this time i was afraid of what she would say about Sam.

"Hey hon," she said coming closer to me, we met in a huge hug. " Omg it's like i haven't seen you in like forever,"

I smiled. "Us two after school?" Her lovely smile was now on, " Deal," she said and we shoke hands.

We walked down the hall way, and into English class. I was met with some beautiful brown eyes that i couldn't look away from.

I wild smile came on his lips when he saw me. He stood up and walked over to me, "Hello beautiful," he said kissing my cheek.

I blushed at his comment, "Hii," I said smiling up at him, it was like it was only us two and no one eles in this class room, just me and Sam.

"Ohh excuse me Sam but i need to talk with my bestfriend Rose here," she said and Sam nodded and walked away. "What was that?" She asked. " Nothing you should worry about," I wanted to joke a little, but she took it a little more serious than i thought.

"Rose this is serious! This is like the first time i've seen you nervous around a guy, and this is huge deal! You met a freaking good/hot badass boy," She said freaking out.

"Okay sorry i didn't tell you, but i was nervous, i didn't know how to start and what to end with," I said looking down at my hands.

"How do you feel?" She asked smiling like a clown, i was a little confused about what she meant, but found out after.

"Wow this is like you want me to explain what water taste like," I said think about Sam and only Sam playing in my mind.

"He makes me happy, i really never understood what love really feels like but i felt it for the first time looking in his eyes," I look around to find Sam sitting on his chair, looking at me. I smile.

"He makes me feel safe, and i feel the need to be around him all the time because i can't really let go of him, and Sometimes i don't know who to act around him, because he says i'm beautiful and all those good stuff, the only thing i do is, is blushing because i'm never used to get compliment," I say taking a lok of hair and twist it around my finger.

" It's normal Rose, you don't have to be nervous at all, i'm sure Sam understand your situation, with all this," She said taking both my hands in hers, making me smile.

" I will always be there when you need me, Rose," I wanted to hug her so tight so she couldn't breath, but that wouldn't be so good if i did.

Sams eyes shined through the classroom. The class started and I was sitting in front of Sam so i couldn't see those generous eyes of his, the only thing i could think about was Sam, Sams lips on mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2014 ⏰

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