Part 7

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(warning this imagine is not edited)

Kate had talked about a school party coming up and of cause she said i should go because Sam would be there. ”I don’t like him” i said to her for the hundred time today.”That is so much bullshit Rose and you know it” she said ”it’s okay Rose to be in love, special you” she said and put her hand on my shoulder and squeezed it.

”I don’t know Kat, i just feel so lost” i said looking down ”hun you are not lost, you just need to fight for what you want” she said and gave me a worm smile ”i appreciate that, thank you” i said and gave her a hug

.”Okay i think i should get going, see you at the party?” she asked”sure” i just said and she gave me a smile and left.

Okay the party started a eight so i have about two hours to get myself done, no problem. I got myself something to eat. And just so you know it i’m a slow at eating, not that i’m eating slow but you know you just gotta notificaton of twitter and it’s from your celebrity crush and then you think i just gotta check it quick. And then you got a notification on facebook as well and that you also need to check, and on and on.

”FUUUUCK” i yell. i have been ‘eating’ for about an hour, and now i only have one hour to get ready, perfect, just perfect. I ran to the bathroom and washed my hair and my body. i blow-dry my hair and ran straight over to my closet to find some cloth. I had natural curls so i let them hang.

I chose a light blue high waist skirt about going below the knees and a gray t-shit that is about to go over my navel, and some black knee sock that goes to the knees and some black high-heels.

I quickly applied mascara, black eyeliner on top, along with bronze eyeshadow and pink lipgloss. Once i finished doing that, i grabbed my black high-heel and drove to the party.


I spotted Kate, Elena and Sara talking over by the drink table, i walked past people, saying hi to anyone i knew, as i approached my three friends. When they saw me they all smiled.

”You made it, we almost thought you didn’t wanna come” Sara exclaims, giving me a one armed hug. i chuckle.”Of coures i did, why wouldn’t i?”

”You know who else made it?” Elena asks. We raise our eyebrows, telling her to go on.”See for yourself,” she says, nodding to a direction up front.

The rest of us turn our heads, and we immediately spot those three recognizable boys. They all look really good, i have to admit.

Sam was clad in jeans that hung low at his hips as usual with white converse, and a dark grey Ramones T’shirt that fit him perfectly.

”Rose stop drooling” Kate’s teasing voice snap me out of my trance. I shake my head, staring ar her wide eyed.”I was not drooling!” i say defensively.

Elena laughs ”don’t worry Rose” she says ”we all know you want a piece of Wilkinson. He’s pretty hot - we don’t blame you”

My eyes widen even more, if that was possible.”Oh my god” i mutter, walking around with my friends as i grab myself a pepsi.”You guys are relentless” i say opening my pepsi.

”I never thought you would go after the bad boy type.” Sara muses, sipping from her own pepsi.”That’s always been Kate.

I face-palm myself with my free hand.”I’m not interested in Sam! Or any bad boys, for that matter.” ”Whatever you say” Sara sings, making me glare at her.

The three of us stand talking for a while, until our conversation got interrupted. The girls stared behind me, wide eyed and shock written all over their faces as they stared, and i got a pretty good idea on who it was.Turning around, my suspicions were correct when i saw Sam and the rest of the boys.

Part 8?

¤Sorry it is short but my computer had deleted what I had already written, so I couldn’t really remember that much.

I promise there will happening a whole lot of things in the next imagine¤

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