How silly of me to believe a boy like you would love a girl like me.

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Side Note: From now on, I will only update on Sundays because that is the only day I have time :) Enjoy.

Waking up the next morning was just a nightmare. I was going to school, and see Sam. I could just play sick, so I had a reason for not going to school that day. But much would it take to convince my mother, she was a doctor, so I was of course i was going to school today. No matter how much it hurts, i have to hold my  head up and keep going.

''What am I doing here?'' I asked Kate.

''Uh, let me see you actually go to school here'' she said. '' But I don't want to be here '' I said grumpy. '' Stop being such a girly girl and man you upa little, it can fucking well be he was an jerk but come on in the chapter. '' she was right,I had to move on with my life, I can not let a boy holding me back. I need to be strong.

''Kate you can not just expect that she can move on just like that? She was in love with him, falling in love can't just go away just like that, it's a life time'' Sarah said, wow, finally she says something useful that actually came out of her mouth. '' Okay but while you guys discussing what's best for me, I'm going to class now '' I said and waved my goodbye.

Kate and Sara were both right in what they said. Kate told me to move on and forget him, but Sara said that i couldn't just like that forget someone who meant so much, in such a little time.

I checked my schedule today, and it could not have been much better, Sam was in my first two classes and the last class today, great.

Okay so it couldn't get any worse, I went with my half ready step towards English and was i was able to look Sam in the eye today. Lol no, Who was I kidding? I was not even close to be ready, to see Sam, not even 24 hours have passed since I saw him with Linda. Every time I just thought of it, I just want to break my arm, over and over again.

The bad about school is that if one breaks your heart then it is such a small place that you can not avoid them, the time in your life where you're at least can be capable of control your emotion is simultaneous your locket up for 8 hours a day with the people responsible for these emotions. For the first place it is like to live in his own horror movie. And apparently it was playing everywhere, everytime i was trying to avoid him, he was there everytime.

''Wow, I'm sorry'' said a voice I was not ready to face. ''Rose?'' he said, and i just stood there infront of him, awkwardly and didn't know what to say. ''Are you okay?'' he asked me, and was about to put his soft hand on my shoulder, but i face quickly reality.

 ''Yes, yes, absolutely fine, I was just in my own thoughts'' I said, and smiled my fake smile. He looked investigating at me but threw it quickly away and smiled. Believe me or not, but his smile could light up New York City after dark.

I could hear the quick footsteps  in my direction and suddenly Linda stood in front of me,and smiled with her fake smile. Her arm around Sam's arm.

I sat down quickly crouched and quickly gathered my books together.'' Let me help you with that'' he said and took some up. ''No, it's fine, i got this'' I said, and picked it up last, and Sam gave me the books he had picked up for me.

Linda stood up at Sam, and looked up at him, but his eyes were on someone else, on me. ''I'll see you in class'' he said and smiled his lovely smile.'' Sure '' i said, turning around and walking with quick steps toward English. English went all right, but my eyes land on a few very recognizable eyes too many times. I will never stop losing my breath everytime i see him looking back at me.

''Have you heard it!? '' cried Elena right in my head. ''No Elena I have not'' I shouted back. '' You can't just tell her!'' Said Kate. '' Hello she will probably find out of it at one time or another''said Sara.

''Okay now you have to tell me what the hell is going on''I said, and looked seriously at them. ''Okay''said Sara '' You know, Linda and Sam? ''she said as a matter ''they are together now''

That moment when you can actually feel the pain in your chest from seeing or hearing something that breaks your heart.

How silly of me to believe a boy like you would love a girl like me.


If you have some ideas for what can happen next time, pleace write to me i'm a little lost :)

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