Tsuki ga kirei desu ne

Start from the beginning

-"Type, if you can hear me, squeeze my finger."

At first there was no reaction but then she felt a slight squeeze. She quickly ran out of the room and called the doctor. Soon the room was full of people waiting impatiently to see what would happen. The doctor examined the patient, gave instructions, everything seemed like an eternity. And then young man's eyelids flickered a few times and he finally opened his eyes.


I tried to open my eyes. My eyelids were terribly heavy. I heard a voice say to try again. I tried and tried, suddenly as if some invisible hand removed the burden from my eyelids. I managed to open my eyes. The first thing I saw were a few strangers, smiling. Then one of those faces spoke up.

- "Welcome back Type."

I wanted to answer but the words didn’t come out of my throat. One of the faces spoke again.

- "It's okay Type, don't force yourself. The most important thing is that you woke up."

I didn't know where I was and  didn't understand what this man was saying.
Tharn! Oh god I don't see Tharn among these faces. I want to see Tharn!

One of the strangers took some gadgets, examined me, measured something and took notes. It was weird, but I couldn't think of it now. The only thing I could think of was Tharn. I tried to say his name. But there was only something like a growl. Oh for God's sake, is that my voice? Why do I sound like that?

-"It's okay Type, don't force yourself. We know you have a lot of questions, I promise we'll answer each of them soon. But don't strain. All right?"

No, it's not true - I thought. I don’t have a lot of questions, I only have one. Where is Tharn?

So I kept trying to pronounce his name again.

- "Oh my God, Type! My little one, you're finally awake!"

It was the first known voice and familiar face. Satin. I was happy, Satin is here. But ... is she crying? Why is Satin crying?

- "Oh, my little one, how I missed you."

I stared at her helplessly.

- "Doctor, what's the condition?"

- "The patient responds well to everything. Although these are just ordinary tests. It remains to conduct a more detailed examination. The patient cannot speak, but I hope it is only temporary."

Patient? So I'm in the hospital. But I can't remember why. The last thing I remember  was making dinner for Tharn. What happened then? Did I set the apartment on fire? Maybe  slipped in the bathroom? I hope Tharn tells me everything when he comes.

In the hallway, Satin talked to the doctors.

- "Mrs. Satin, this is a miracle. Trust me, since I've been doing this job, this is the first time a patient has woken up and reacted so well. It may not be professional to say this, but some higher power has intervened here."

Satin cried, whatever interfered she didn't care. The most important thing to her was that Type woke up.


Finally everyone left. Now I can sort out my thoughts a little. I'm terribly tired but I have to figure out what's going on. And maybe, maybe I could get some sleep. And when I wake up Tharn will be there.

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