Only mine (18+)

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Alex was aware that he shouldn't ask some questions, maybe hurting Tum with them, but his mouth didn't seem to be listening to his brain.

- "And who is the one you were in love with? Was it worth it to try to take your own life?"

Tum stopped laughing and looked at Alex sadly.

- "How do you know I tried to take my own life?"

- "I see you are constantly looking at your hands, and your ankles are covered with these quirky bracelets that you never take off. After all you've said, I've realized that bracelets are not a fashion item. They're here to hide your scars, right?"

Tum nodded.

- "Can you take them off?"

With trembling fingers, Tum snapped one and then the other bracelet. Alex moved closer and took both his hands. He turned them gently. Ugly scars were visible on the inside of the joints. The right one was thicker and more visible ...
Alex carefully crossed his fingers over the scars and then bent down and kissed them gently. Tum was on the verge of tears, but somehow he managed to deal with them.

- "Being drugged saved my life. They say I was lucky. I wasn't aware enough to push a little harder, a little deeper ..."

Alex didn't say anything, he could only imagine the chaos Tum had in that period.

- "Couldn't you confess your love. Who knows, maybe that person feels the same."

Tum was thoughtful for a few moments and then he answered.

- "Some things you just know. That's how I knew I had no chance with that person."

- "You still won't tell me who it was?"

Tum pulled his hands from Alex's, pulled back his bracelets and said softly.

- "Why do you want to know all this? It's a distant past."

- "Because I want to know all about you. If you don't want to tell me who this person is, then at least tell me if you still love him?"

Tum was silent, he asked himself that question a thousand times before ~~ Do I still love him ?!~~

He took a deep breath before replying:

- "I'd lie to you if I said I don't love him anymore. I read somewhere that the opposite of love is not hate but indifference. And I'm definitely not indifferent when it comes to him. I still follow him on social networks, I'm still hurts when I see him happy next to someone else. So ... no I'm definitely not indifferent. "

Alex felt a dull pain deep inside his chest. He got up and said:

- "I have to go. My work has accumulated these days. See you."

He came out almost running from Tum's house, something clutching his chest and choking him. He got in the car and rested his head on the wheel. What the hell is going on with me! ??!?!

Champ kept calling Tech's number. He knew if he didn't do something now he would lose Techno. Was Type really right when he said Techno was feeling something? Is it possible he didn't see the signals? In his head he again evoked his encounters with Techno. He couldn't understand what Type saw as a signal.
Techno has always been Techno. Cheerful, talkative, constantly angry at Champ, criticizing him ... angry!?!? That!!! That's it!!!! Techno was relaxed towards everyone only with Champ wasn't! He was always angry with him, commenting, arguing .... oh god, as a kid in elementary school ... He finally heard a sound that suggested Techno finally answered.

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