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(This is a short chapter on what happened just after an exciting night. Unfortunately, the wattpad doesn't work very well today, but I will still try to post what I wrote. I also want to thank everyone once again for reading and for commenting. I especially want to thank annharrislee and nigtmare1111  I'm sorry I couldn't reply directly to your comments but wattpad has a favorite word today - error.)


The two men were lying in bed, trying to catch their breath and figure out what had just happened. One thought he would die of shame while the other wondered how it was possible that he lost control like this. Type was trying to calm the frantic heartbeat ... he kept his eyes closed, afraid to open them and look at the man lying next to him. 

Tharn lay on his back and breathed deeply. He couldn't understand how everything was out of control. He just wanted to joke a little. Sex with a man ?! He never thought in his life that he would find himself in this situation.

He had to do something fast .... the guy next to him was someone who was taking money from an older woman, what if he was blackmailing me now Tharn thought ... he did stupid things at the worst possible time. Type was still squinting and waiting for what the stranger would do. He knew he couldn't lie down like this for long, but again he didn't have the strength to move. He was exhausted both physically and mentally. Tharn said without looking at the young man:

- "The phone is on the bedside table, pick it up and leave!"

Type heard what the stranger  told him. He knew it was a rational reaction, but again something hurt in his chest. He opened his eyes and stood up. He saw the stranger's backs moving away. Tharn slammed the bathroom door behind him. He stood in front of the mirror and looked at his reflection. He saw a man who didn't look like him ... The face of that man was the face of someone who was drowning in pleasure. He thought again of the guy who stayed in the room, remembered the guy moans, looked into his hands and saw the little crescent-shaped scars the young man had left as he grunted with pleasure. Tarn started getting an erection again. He jumped in the shower and turned on the cold water. He had to calm down.... Type was left alone in the room. Somehow he managed to get up and white fluid began to flow down his legs. He was looking for something to wipe off but the only thing he found was a stranger's white shirt. He took it and wiped it. He was aware that what he was doing was immature, but he didn't care. He looked for his clothes and then remembered leaving it in the bathroom.Type took the phone and sat down on the bed.

Tharn felt like he would turn into an iceberg if he didn't get out of the shower soon. He didn't even bother to wipe. He opened the door and to his surprise the young man was still there! And he was naked! Tharn felt his dick rise again so he quickly looked for something to cover it up. 

- "What are you still doing here?" Tharn asked, trying to get his pants on his wet body.

Type didn't expect a stranger to come completely naked out of the bathroom ... For the past few hours he had an unobstructed view of that beautiful body, but now it seemed even more desirable ... again he felt a twitch in his stomach and he blushed ... he , the romantic Type seems to have been a horrible horny guy. He bent his leg a little so that the stranger would not see what was going on with the lower part of his body. Type did not immediately respond because his brain was like jelly ... but as soon as he had gathered himself, he ran to the bathroom and replied: 

-"I couldn't go naked, and I couldn't find my things."

In the bathroom Type get dressed quickly. He wanted to get out of that penthouse as soon as possible. Tharn somehow pulled on his pants and heard what the guy said. He laughed as he managed to catch a glimpse of the young man's face before running into the bathroom. It was all red. Now he stood outside the bathroom and waited for the young man to come out. But he didn't expect the guy to fly past him ... 

Type came out of the bathroom and ran to the door ... the sooner he left this place the sooner he would return to normal ... but just as he was about to catch the door handle, a stranger hugged him from the back. Type heart beats like crazy.

Tharn ran after the young man and reached him before he could open the door. He doesn't know why he did it, but he just couldn't let it go. He hugged him tight. He felt the young man's heart beat rapidly, and then realized that his heart had the same rhythm. He thrust his head into the young man's neck and muttered, 

-"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I can do nothing but let you go." 

And then he kissed him gently.

Type thought he was going to die ... The words he heard and that gentle kiss were too much for his fragile mental state ... He grabbed the doorknob and pulled out of the stranger's embrace just a second before he began to cry.

When the Devil falls in love (Tharn&Type)Where stories live. Discover now