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Techno didn't look at Type while dictating phone number. He was eaten by guilt. Type was a good guy and Techno would betray him before they had a chance to hang out. He hated himself for it but his career and his life were at stake.

Champ was looking at little cheerful guy. He would notice when Techno face darkened and a deep wrinkle appeared between his eyebrows. It was obvious something was bothering him. And by the way he avoided looking Type in the face, it definitely had something to do with Type. Champ learned to read people. Although he was cheerful on the outside and everyone would say he led a carefree life unfortunately the truth was different. Champ grew up in a torn family. Alcoholic father, mother run away with another man, younger brother who was in high school and stuttering as a result of the beatings and trauma  experienced when they were younger. His stutter caused him to be terribly asocial and had suicidal thoughts. Champ was the one who took care of his brother. When Champ was younger he tried as much as he could to protect  younger brother, but Champ was weak and malnourished. The beatings they were getting were horrible, they had no one to protect them. When they were a little older and when Champ started working on construction, he suddenly began to grow and develop and soon he was muscular. Everyone thought he was going to the gym, no one knew that he was developing his muscles through hard physical work, lifting jacks and other heavy loads. But there was one positive thing to come from it. Their father no longer beat them. Now he was afraid of Champ. Eventually he left too.
He left guys with a lot of debt in a small house that didn't even have running water. Champ knew the house was unconditional, but at least they didn't give the rent money. Champ make deal  with  construction firm he worked for.  The material they thought was waste he could take it for free and repair the house,  colleagues helped him. Champ  had great results at the school, so the professors did their best to get him scholarships, although Champ wanted to skip college and work full time right away, two shifts whenever possible. But they convinced Champ that with college he could find a stable job that would later help pay for the school and doctor for his younger brother. Here it is now, in the third year of College of Sport. Another year and a half separates him from his goal.

When Champ first saw Type he was angry  ... it was evident that Type had no financial problems, various gossip circulated ... Type was very attractive but he didn't have a girlfriend ... he didn't go out anywhere, he had great test results. Despite all this, he was constantly empty and lifeless .... until one day when he came to campus with glowing cheeks and eyes that glowed like stars ... this is where Champ became even more interested, following his behavior, movements ... ..something definitely happened in Type's life. Something or someone. It was confirmed on Valentine's Day. Tharn happened. Champ was happy about that. Someone managed to break the Type's  armor. Yes, that's definitely a good thing. But when this little cheerful one appeared today, something was wrong. Champ felt it.

Techno knew that what he was doing was wrong. He finally looked up and met two eyes that looked at him curiously. Uhhh, this Champ didn't really have to go with them. And why is he looking at him like this now? As if he knew Techno was doing something ugly.

- "Type, I have to go, I have a recording. Now that we've exchanged phone numbers, I'll call you these days to go out for lunch or dinner."

Type nodded as he continued to correspond with Tharn. But it was Champ who said:

- "We can't wait to hang out with you. Call us as soon as possible."

Techno looked at the muscular guy and then got up and said goodbye to them. Ok, for now it's safe. Just let Alex know the information and everything will be ok.

The night he rescued Type, Techno knew Alex was a dangerous person, but it didn't occur to him that the next day two men would come, pick him up and take him to Alex's office. Alex didn't procrastinate much with the story. He made Techno clear that he knew some of Techno secrets. He wanted information about Type. Techno denied knowing anything, but the maniac gave him 3 days to find Type. And now here's Techno, on his way to sell Type.

When the Devil falls in love (Tharn&Type)Where stories live. Discover now