A million butterflies with rainbow wings

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I will remember the kisses 
our lips raw with love 
and how you gave me 
everything you had 
and how I 
offered you what was left of 
and I will remember your small room 
the feel of you 
the light in the window 
your records 
your books 
our morning coffee 
our noons our nights 
our bodies spilled together 
the tiny flowing currents 
immediate and forever 
your leg my leg 
your arm my arm 
your smile and the warmth 
of you 
who made me laugh 

Charles Bukowski


This chapter was hard, I want to explain to you the whole background of these characters but maybe then there is not enough romance, so I shorten the serious part, add a romance but then something is missing , so I shorten the romance to add something else ... and  for days I spin in circles . I hope I was able to capture everything and still hold your attention.

p.s.  And you already know this part, please don't mind my bad English and horrible grammar. 😣


"I'm so happy."

Tum heard those words and laughed gently. He came even closer to Alex and hugged him.

- "Alex, we have a few more things to tell each other, don't we? If we want to start something, then I want it to be like a blank sheet of paper, on which we will write our story. Do you agree with me?"

Alex's head was resting on Tum's chest. He could hear his heart pounding and his body tense when he uttered those words.

- "I agree, but I don't know where to start. You might run away from me. Some things I've told you about myself, but it's not the correct version. I'm not saying I was lying, but I told you a beautified version. I didn't want you to feel sorry for me. "  

Tum gently stroked his hair. Alex's head on his chest was such a good feeling. Tum knew Alex could hear his heart beating fast. But never mind, let him hear ... after a few minutes he moved away from Alex, grabbed his face with his hands and said:

- "Alex, I think I should start. First, I'm sorry it wasn't clear when I answered your question if I still felt something about that person. I should have said right now - NO. And that would be true. I said I'm not indifferent to that person, but I didn't explain well why.  So Alex, let me explain now. This person is my unrequited love. First love.  It's like from the moment I fell in love with him my life went parallel with the real - I.
I did everything to get his attention. It doesn't matter if it was a success or a defeat. I realized long ago Alex that none of that mattered and you know why? Because I was silent, because I was a coward and I did not acknowledge my love. Because if I was rejected,  who knows what my life would be like. But no, I was a coward, just looking for an excuse for all the nonsense in my life that I made. It was easier for me to blame him than myself. And so Alex, I lied when I said I couldn't say- I don't like him anymore. Thanks to you, I can say that now. I do not like him. Am I still indifferent? I probably never will be because I hurt too many people and my excuse is love. So it will always be in my head, as a warning. Alex, I will not remain silent. I spent too much time hiding.

Alex, if I told you again I would love to write new pages, new songs with you, would you accept me as I am? "

Alex looked into those beautiful, honest eyes that were now tear-deep.

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