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Tharn was restless in the VIP lounge, something gave him no peace, he went looking for Type and Techno. As soon as he came out, something caught his eye, a man blocking Type's and Techno's path. Tharn didn't see his face and didn't know what it was about, but he grabbed man by the shoulder and pushed him away.

- "Type, are you okay? Techno?"

And then he turned in the direction of an unknown man, and in a voice that made everyon's  blood freeze in veins, he said:

"I don't like to get my hands dirty, but if you don't tell me right away who you are and what you want from my Type, I guess I'll have to!"

Alex  met some dangerous people in his life, but the look he saw in the eyes of the man standing in front of him was scary.  Immediately recognized that the man with bloodthirsty eyes was Tharn K.

- "Oj, oj, oj, slow down a little. I'm Alex L CEO of WorldLtv, and as far as I know I'm the good guy."

Tharn continued to stare coldly at the man who introduced himself as Alex L.

- "And? Why is Alex L blocking the way for my boyfriend? "

- "Oh, I just wanted to get in touch, you know, we know each other. We met at a party organized by his mom."

As soon as he spoke he saw three pairs of surprised eyes!
Tharn turned to Type, but this one just shook his head. Alex saw this, so he continued:

- "We really met, right Techno? You were there."

It was Type  who answered:

- "Yes, we met. But ..."

Tharn interrupted him.

- "If that's the case , I'm sorry, let me pay you for a drink. Please come to the VIP lounge with us."

Tharn interrupted Type in half a sentence because he didn't want to talk about private things in front of the toilet.
He hugged Type and headed for the VIP lounge, followed by Techno and Alex. Techno  looking at the floor and there was a strange smile on Alex's face.

When they entered the VIP lounge, Champ immediately saw that something bad happened. Tharn held Type firmly and Techno quickly walked past them and sat behind Champ. Another man entered the lodge.

- "Guys, this is Alex. Alex this is Champ and Tum."

As soon as he walked in, Alex immediately noticed a muscular guy, but only now see that there was someone else in the lodge. He nodded and sat down.
While the waiter was picking up the order, Tum came out to make a phone call and Tharn was able to get some information about Alex, so he went straight to the attack.

- "How much money do you ask Mr. Alex L not to publish the information you came up with?"

Now everyone was looking at Tharn in surprise.

- "I don't know what you're talking about, Mr. Tharn."

- "I see you know who I am, too. So I ask you again how much money you ask not to announce who Type is. That's why you probably came here. Your magazines and your television are that kind of media."

Tum stood in front of the entrance to the lodge. He froze when he heard a voice belonging to a man who had entered the lodge a short time ago. He didn't remember his name, he didn't even look him in the face, but this voice ... his whole body chills. Maybe it's best not to go inside.

Alex was looking at Tharn and he could see that the other men were frowning.

- "I have no intention of posting anything about Type. He is my friend."

When the Devil falls in love (Tharn&Type)Where stories live. Discover now