The begining

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Some of you asked me what genre this story is. To be honest I don't know if this has any genre. At the beginning there were Tharn and Type and as the story progressed I added more characters, expanded the story, spiced it up a bit. Now I'm like that white-haired old man sitting in a corner of the street, telling stories to anyone willing to listen.
Sometimes I'm like Tharn's grandfather, so I start with: When I was young... and sometimes I feel like I'm the bard (milder version) who follows Witcher, I enjoy what I do, but sometimes I might overdo it.

As I said earlier this chapter and the previous one are introduction to the events that are at the same time the settlement of this whole story. I may not thank the readers enough, but I want you to know that I am so grateful for the time you take to read this story. Stay with us for a while. 😊


Alex thought he had a plan, tool and an opportunity to do something about his father. But in the end, all he could think of was direct contact. Maybe the father will say something, or  maybe able to find some proof if he has access to that house. He missed Tum. He's probably been to Type and Tharn these days, because for days Tum's house has been eerily quiet. Alex managed to contact  lawyer who was waiting for him when he came to Bangkok. He hoped the lawyer would know how to contact father. Alex was  surprised to receive an answer only an hour after calling the lawyer. He didn't know if it was a good or bad sign.

- "Tharn, maybe you should go alone first. I'm really scared of what your grandfather will say."

Tharn and Type have this conversation for the third time since arriving in America. Although the whole family convinced Type that  grandfather was not a terrible person, he couldn't muster up the courage and go visit.
Even Satin was in style: kid I'm here, let him just try something. But it didn't help either. Eventually Tharn left alone.

Grandpa lived on a beautiful property. House was in  hacienda style, surrounded with avocado, orange, and persimmon trees. There were no neighbors around as Grandpa had his own golf course. While the grandmother was alive, the family often organized various celebrations on the property, but now Grandpa enjoys retirement days.

Tharn entered the inner garden where his grandfather loved to drink his afternoon tea.

- "You're coming to visit Grandpa now? You must have been terribly busy."

Tharn laughed, the old fox seemed to have prepared the whole show.

- "Sorry, but I was busy showing  Type the beauty of LA. I came as soon as I could."

- "Mmmm ... well, you saw me, you can go now."

- "Really? And when are you going to stop acting? I know you know about me and Type before we had that video call. As soon as you answered, I knew it was something fishy. The role of the grandfather from the village it's not you.  So, how about we have dinner in Malibu? I'd really like you to meet Type. "

- "Pfff you are too smart, though that's why I love you the most. You are just  like me. What's on the menu tonight? I hope your mother won't criticize me again for drinking wine. She and your father treat me like that I'm some gentle plant ... and when I was young ... ehhh ... "

Tharn laughed. His grandfather was college educated, which at the time his ancestors came to America was really very advanced for an immigrant family. He made his fortune literally from scratch. But he never pampered his children and grandchildren, he loved them in his own way. They were always protected and could talk openly about everything. But they had to show him that they were strong and that they would not kneel at the first obstacle. Maybe that's why he loved Tharn the most. They were very similar.

When the Devil falls in love (Tharn&Type)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें