The Devil gives a suggestion

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Mr Tharn got dressed and went down to the lobby. When he can no longer sleep then he can at least continue to work. As he walked toward the front desk at once, his eyes stopped at the face he saw in the pictures on the phone. So the young man came.

-"Good evening, did Lil Man come to pick up the phone?"

Type looked up when he heard a voice, the person he saw in front of him was the most handsome man he had ever seen. The energy coming from his direction was incredible, his nose straight, his lips slightly bent up and his eyes ... oh those eyes ...

- "Good evening- he managed to mutter, - yes I came for the phone." 

Tharn was looking at this strange young man, trying to keep his business appearance, but just one look at those lips and beautiful eyes evoked strange emotions in him ...

-"Come with me, I don't have much time to spend on stupid things."

Type immediately stood up and followed the rough stranger. There were only two of them in the elevator and Type was staring at the back of this handsome stranger. A strange impulse suddenly awakened in him, he wanted to touch those backs, to lean on them ... When the elevator door opened, Type was already on the verge of hugging this stranger. The stranger did not say a word until they reached the pentahaus. The handsome man opened the door and Type suddenly had a bad feeling ... It might not be a good idea to accompany a stranger to his room- Type thought. 

Tharn walked into the penthouse, feeling the young man's gaze on himself all the time in the elevator. Now he saw the young man hesitating to enter.

- "Do you want to come in? I don't know where I put the phone."
Type took a deep breath and walked in. The Penthouse was magnificent, modernly furnished and the whole wall was glass and you could see the whole city as if in a palm.

Type moved cautiously and looked around. 

- "Do you like it?"- the stranger asked him.

- "Yes,- Type replied- it has a beautiful view." 

- "Relax while I look for phone."

- "Ok." 

Tharn did not know why he offered the young man to come in and sit down. He wanted to get rid of this problem as soon as possible, but he said things that surprised him. An idea suddenly erupted in his mind. He wish to made a mess with this little mouse. He hasn't played with anyone in a long time. Now the little pet will see how adults play. Tharn went back to where Type was still standing. 

- "Do you really think you can get a phone without me getting anything in return?"

The young man's eyes widened in shock. This will be fun, Tharn thought.

  -"Do you know what I mean?" 

Type shook his head slightly.

  -"You do not know? The phone owner has some really weird pictures. Say compromising ... if you don't want me to post them you could do something for me."-Tharn said this and waited for a reaction. Type couldn't believe what he just heard. His brain was working fast. What could a mom have in her phone?

As Type was thinking, the stranger moved closer and stood right in front of him. Tharn approached the bewildered young man, his fingertips gripping his chin and lifting his small face so he could look him in the eye. The young man's face was a real panic picture,Tharn enjoyed the reaction.

-"And, what do you think you could give or do for me? "

-"I don't know,- Type murmured. - "I really don't know what I could do for you, please give me the phone."

Tharn laughed at himself, this was like stealing chocolate from a child.

- "If you can't figure it out then I have one suggestion for you."

- "Please ... "-Type paused in half a sentence because the face in front of him was devilishly handsome and those eyes looked at him as if the fire was burning in them.

-"You might have sex with me, for example," -said the stranger as a mocking smile appeared on his face. Tyep's face suddenly caught fire. The face, the ears, the neck was all fiery red.

He couldn't believe what he heard. The man just offered him sex!

Tharn was surprised at the reaction he saw in the young man. He did not expect anyone sleeping with an older woman for money to have this reaction. He wish to tormented the young man a little more. 

- "If you have sex with me, I'll get phone back and never tell anyone what I found out. OK?" Type was still in shock but had to react quickly. So, mom has something that could cause a big scandal. Not that mom has been the epitome of chastity up until now, but if this guy suggests something like this it means it's a big deal. 

- "Just say yes or no?"

-"All right," Type replied. -"We'll have sex! But only once!"

Some strange expression appeared on the face of the stranger.... So you care so much about your golden hen - Tharn thought,- so much that you're ready to have sex with a man too. He felt anger and decided to press it a little more. 

- "So what are you waiting for? Start stripping." 

Type swallowed the saliva and tried to sound as relaxed as possible. 

-"I should have a shower first, if it's not a problem?" 

Tharn pointed at the door.

-"Just hurry."

Type went into the bathroom. His heart was pounding madly. Why is he doing all this? Now he needs to get out of this penthouse as far away from this strange man. All he has to do is call mom so she can solve her problems. As he feverishly thought of running away, he heard a "voice" in his head, why don't you have sex with this handsome stranger? You love men anyway, here's the perfect opportunity to have your first experience."

When the Devil falls in love (Tharn&Type)Where stories live. Discover now