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When Tharn mentioned something bigger, Type thought he would get a panic attack. He knew perfectly well what - something bigger - looked like, and he thought no, no way ..... 

Tharn stared at Type, who was on the verge of hyperventilating, barely restraining himself from bursting into laughter.

-"Type, I was joking. Type, can you hear me?"

He leaned down and looked Type directly in the eye.

- "I don't mean to hurt you or speed things up. We'll do it when you're ready."

Type looked into the face of this wonderful man and thought I must have done something well in my previous life.

"-Can you get up? Or will I carry you to the tub?" -Tharn asked. 

Type shook his head and said:

- "I can get up, I have to go home anyway."

Tharn froze at those words.

- "Where are you going to go? You said you were going to spend Sunday with me? Have you changed your mind now?"

-I didn't change my mind, but I haven't been home in two days. And on Monday, I have college commitments and I need to get ready. "

- "You said you would stay with me one more day. Am I looking for a lot?"

One more day- Type thought and something tightened in his chest ... so Tharn limited this to just one weekend .... it started to hurt more and more in his chest. 

- "Ok. I'll stay with you another day. You don't have to frown immediately. But you have to take me to the bathroom and then feed me."

Type was aware that he was not behaving normally. He was not this Type who seduces and flirts. The guy who agrees to spend the weekend with a stranger at a hotel. A guy who drowns in sexual pleasure. All this in him was awakened by this man. Type didn't know what to call what he felt now. Whatever this man asks of him, he would agree to do it ... and yet he wants to escape from all this ... 

Tharn saw that something was going on with Type. It's like he's waging some internal struggle. Maybe he's still angry that we didn't have sex until the end? No ... no ... Type is not that kind of person. Then what could be?

While lying in the bathtub, Type was calm ... he didn't move any part of his body, nor did he speak ... Tharn didn't know what to say, so he just stroked him slowly. 

There was real confusion in the Type head. He would have so much to ask Tharn but he was afraid of what he would hear in response. He didn't know what people were doing in situations like this. Type could feel the warmth of Tharn's body and the gentle movements of Tharn's hands but thats only exacerbated everything that was going on inside him. God, this is all so stupid. He wanted to get up and go home. Tharn felt the tension in the Type body. In this position he could not see Type's face, but he felt as if the young man would jump out of the tub every minute. So he had to do something.

When the Devil falls in love (Tharn&Type)Where stories live. Discover now