Chapter Fifty Two

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When they separated, Edie just looked at Niall.  He just looked at her. Her arms were still wrapped around his neck while his hand had managed to make their way to her face.  She had changed her mind at the last second, too scared to find out if she was wrong; even more scared to find out if she was right.  But when she had moved her head slightly to kiss his cheek, he had done the same.  She didn't know how long they had stayed like that but when they parted, everyone else was still celebrating.  Maybe it was only for a moment, or for several minutes, she couldn't tell.  All she knew is that she didn't want to stop.  And she could tell he didn't want to either.

"Get our coats," she said.

"Meet you at the front," Niall said as he nearly ran to the coatroom. 

When she met him at the door, she threw on her coat as he did the same.  Once outside, he grabbed her hand and they practically ran to his car.  Once they had gotten to his car, Edie couldn't keep her hands to herself anymore and she grabbed his face and kissed him again.  They stumbled backwards a little until she hit the side of his car.  He brought his hands up to her face and deepened their kiss.  She ran her hands around his waist and up his back, pulling him even closer to her.  He groaned into her mouth before pulling away from her.  Lust was written all over his face.  He unlocked the door and opened it for her.

"In the car, now!"  He slammed the door shut as she sat down, and he ran at near record pace around to his side.  He climbed in, started the car, and flew out of there.

The drive back to his house was a tortuous one.  Not only was the traffic unbearably slow-moving, but Edie had pushed the console up so she could slide next to him while he drove, which allowed her to keep nipping at him.  She constantly kept moving her hand to the other side of his face to turn him towards her so she could kiss him.  She kissed his neck, she bit at his ear a few times which elicited a few moans from him and a hand squeezing her thigh and fingers digging into her skin.

"If you don't stop, I'm going to have to pull over," he said, as she brought him in for another kiss while they were stuck at yet another red light.

"We're almost there, it's fine," she whispered as she undid the top button of his shirt and starting placing kisses down his neck.  Her right hand had made its way around his neck and hadn't budged while her left hand freely roamed every inch of him she could touch.  She could feel what this was doing to him and she loved it.  She got jerked a little as the light turned green and he hit the accelerator.  Knowing that he wanted her as much as she wanted him only turned her on more. 

She began biting his ear again when she felt him slow down a little before hitting the brakes.  "Fuck, Edie," Niall said, as he put the car in park.  Without a word, he undid his seatbelt, pushed the seat back as far as it would go, and pulled her onto his lap.  She brought her leg around so she was straddling him as he gripped her arms as she settled into his lap.  "I told you, if you didn't stop, I'd have to pull over," he forcefully said, as he began dragging his hands up her dress, lifting what little of it there was over her ass and then pushing her down further into his lap.

"We're almost there," she said, knowing she meant that in more ways than one.

She ran her hands through his hair as they momentarily took the time to look at each other before he began nipping at her collarbone, sending a flush of heat through her body.  She slowly began moving her hips in response to which he then gripped her waist and flipped them over, far too easily than one would have thought, so he was now on top of her. 

Niall kept his face buried in her neck as he grinded into her, sending shockwaves through her body.  He groaned as she felt him run the backside of his hand up her thigh before slipping a finger between the lace fabric of her thong, running it up and down, ever so slightly touching her skin.

"You think you can tease me while I'm trying to get us home and not get a little bit of payback," he mumbled into her ear.

It had been so long since someone had given her any attention down there that she nearly came right there.  But she knew she wanted this done properly.  She didn't want this to be done in a cramped car.  She wanted a proper fucking and she wanted to give him a proper fucking.  She regained control of herself and brought her hand to his to get him to stop.  He brought his head up for the first time since he had stopped the car.  His hair was all over the place and his face was red, only adding to how hot she found him at that moment.

She moved away a little and sat up.  "Get us home, Niall."

She didn't have to say it twice.  He moved back into his seat, put the car in drive, and managed to get them back to his house in one piece.  He pulled in haphazardly, slammed on the brakes, turned the car off, and jumped out of the car.  Edie was in the process of doing the same thing when she felt him grab her hand, pull her out, and slam her body into his as he kissed her.

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