Chapter Twenty Five

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As Niall drove home, he couldn't quite get rid of this feeling that had arisen in him throughout this entire day.  He was absolutely ecstatic about knowing the guy who shot him was now in jail and would soon end up in prison.  He wasn't much looking forward to testifying and yet, very ready for it to all be over.

When he was done at the police station earlier that night, the first and only person he called was her.  He had missed having her around the last two weeks.  He had grown quite accustomed to being able to talk to her.  He smiled a little, as he drove, remembering how they both had been when they first met.  "Funny, how things work out, isn't it?" he wondered aloud.

As happy as he was about his own development, he felt terrible for being so happy while she was still so miserable.  He really did want to help her.  She had done more than he ever thought for him and he wanted to repay her. 

As he had recounted his day to her, he noticed how attentive she seemed to be and how happy she seemed to be for him.  But he also could sense that she was also sad that she was most likely never going to get that moment of relief.  As they laid next to each other, looking up at the sky, he realized he sounded like an ass and tried to apologize but she dismissed it.  She wanted him to be happy and wasn't going to allow him to feel bad for it simply because she may never get it.  That didn't stop him from still feeling like shit for it. 

He didntoesn't know what got into him but he suddenly had had this urge to hold her.  So he tried play it off as if he wanted to dance with her, which he did, but he mostly just wanted to touch her and enfold her in his arms; to make her feel safe.  He had started humming this song he had been working on as they swayed there.  He had his eyes closed but he could feel her breath on his neck and it sent a tingle down his spine.  No one had been this close to him in so long, he didn't want it to end. 

And now, now he was at home, waiting on her.  He wanted to know what she wanted to share with him.  He heard a car pulling up into his driveway, so he peeked out the window and saw that it was her, so he went to open the door.

"Jesus!  You scared me!" Edie said, as she caught her breath.

"Shit, sorry.  I heard you pull in, so I just came to greet you.  Need help with that?" Niall asked, pointing to the box she was carrying.

"As a matter of fact, yes," she said as she entered his house.  She handed him the box as she took off her shoes and jacket.

"Damn, this thing is heavy."

"Yeah, it's got a lot of papers in there."

"Where to?" he asked.

"Dining room."

She followed him into his dining room where they had spent so much time looking through his own case.  He placed the box on the table and turned to her.

"Is everything okay?" He asked, "You seemed kind of anxious when you left."

She looked at him and then at the box she had brought, "Uh, well, yeah, I am a bit anxious.  There's something I could use your help with."

He looked at her, "Yeah, of course, whatever it is."

He watched as she slowly opened her box and pulled out a notebook filled with papers.  She reached in for something else but appeared to change her mind.  Instead, she just looked at whatever it was and wiped a tear away from her face before it went back to a more firm expression.

"What's all that?" Niall asked.

"It's my own unhealthy investigation," she said, not looking at him.


"Well, apparently, Niall, you and I are two fucking peas in a pod.  Both of our "events" happened on the same night, at what oddly appears to be the same time.  Which is fucking freaky, by the way."

"I one hundred percent agree."

"But, apparently, we also have decided to launch our own, unauthorized, unsanctioned, against anything we should be doing to move forward, investigations.  Well, yours is done.  They got the guy.  You can breathe easy again....but I can't.  Not yet."

Niall suddenly realized what that folder held - her case.  She had been doing the same thing as him.  "Whoa, you mean to say you're investigating your assault?"

"My rape," she said, harshly, "Yes, I am.  I don't remember, Niall.  And I keep thinking that something will jog my memory enough for me to get this bastard!"

"I don't know if that's such a good idea," Niall said, knowing he sounded contradictory to her but also really concerned for her.

"Well, one could argue is wasn't good for you either, but we both somehow believe this will help us live again.  I mean, I'm tired, Niall.  I'm tired of hiding.  I miss the person I used to be and I feel that the only way to get her back is to find this asshole and put him where he belongs."

Niall looked at her, standing there in his dining room.  She suddenly looked so fragile and scared....and tired.  He knew all too well what she was going through.

"Help me.  Help me get to where you are right now.  Help me feel safe again.  Charlie stuck us together, and for better or worse, we are now in this together.  Isn't that what a good partner is supposed to do?  Stick by the other's side to help them navigate their way?"

Niall took half a second to answer her.  She had literally, no questions asked, helped him out.  The very least he could do, was help her. "Yes, it is.  Want some coffee?"

"As long as it's Irish. Considering what's in here, I can guarantee you're going to want something harder."

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