Chapter Twenty Two

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So, for the next couple of weeks, Edie and Niall tried to figure out more information on who shot him.  It strangely made them closer, and both more confident than they had been in recent months.  They developed a method of working on it together a couple of times a week, so as not to get burnt out.  Also, Edie focused her attention on her own case.  Of course, no one knew about this.

Edie began picking Niall up and they drove to their meetings together.  Her initial surgery had been pushed back by a week so on the third week, she had Benny drive her to the meeting because she was to go straight to the hospital afterwards.

She met Niall outside the building.  "You nervous?" He asked her.

"For my surgery?  Yes, very."

"It'll all go great."

"I hope so."

"You gonna tell everyone?"

"Yeah, actually, I think I am.  Plus, it'll probably mean I won't be here next week."

Niall looked at her a little sadly.  He wasn't sure if he'd be allowed to visit her.  She had never made any indication that he could and the times he offered to pick her up, she refused.

They sat down.  "Alright, anyone got anything they want to share this evening?" Charlie asked.

She looked over at Niall before softly saying, "I do."

Edie hadn't shared anything else since that first night they were kind of forced to so everyone looked at her a little shocked.  "Wonderful, go right ahead, Edie," Charlie said.

"I am having my first reconstructive surgery tomorrow morning.  I head to the hospital right after the meeting tonight.  I'm scared but also looking forward to it.  I think it'll help me out a lot."

"That's wonderful, Edie," Charlie said.  "We all wish you the best of luck."

"Thank you.  I really do appreciate it.  It might mean though, that I won't be here next week."

"That's okay.  We'll miss you but are very happy for you."

"Thanks," Edie said, giving everyone a little smile.

At the end of the meeting, Niall walked behind her as they headed down the steps.  The meeting had ended a little earlier so her brother had not yet arrived.  They sat down on the stoop and waited for him.

"Ya know, I'm proud of ya," Niall said, nudging her a little.


"Yeah.  You've come a long way since we first met."

"Well, so have you," she said smiling at him.

Niall looked at her for a moment.  He had often caught himself looking at her as they spent time together.  Her nose often deep in the paperwork of his files.  He hardly ever noticed her scars anymore.

"I know I keep saying it, but I really do appreciate you helping me these past couple of weeks.  I wish I could help you."

"I know you do.  But maybe once we solve your mystery we can work on mine." She gave him a playful little punch on his arm.

Niall looked over at Edie as they waited for her brother.

The breeze had picked up a little and it blew her hair into her face.  She felt Niall shift his body next to hers.  "The breeze feels good.  It's actually feeling like summer now.  Hard to believe it is summer."

"Yeah, it's felt quite cold this year," Niall said as he lifted his hand to move the hair out of her face.

Edie jumped a little.  Not so much at his closeness or even his touch, but just at how unexpected his action was.  He usually was very cautious around her when it came to making sure she was comfortable. 

"Sorry, didn't mean to do that.  Natural reaction, I guess," Niall said, having noticed her flinch a little.

"Oh, no, it's not that.  Just unexpected, is all.  You're fine.  Really." She smiled at him.  She had found herself looking at him a lot lately while they worked.  She had grown quite comfortable in his presence.

She looked away as she saw her brother pull up to the curb, "There's Benny.  Time to go, I guess.  Wish me luck."

Before Niall could say anything, Benny had gotten out of the car and was walking towards them.  He hadn't met her brother officially and had mostly tried to keep his distance since that awful night.

"Hey, Ben." Edie said as her brother stopped in front of them.

"Hey, you ready?"

"Uh, yeah.  Benny this is Niall.  Niall this is my brother, Benny." Edie said, introducing them.

Niall stepped down and stuck his hand out, hoping her brother would take it.  "It's nice to meet you," he said.

Her brother hesitated before sticking his hand, "Nice to meet you.  I've actually been wanting to apologize to you."

"You have?" Edie said, skepticism written on her face.

"Yes, Edie, I have.  I let my emotions block my judgment and I didn't listen to my sister when she told me in every way possible that you weren't trying to hurt her that night.  So, I am sorry for yanking you out of the car and trying to pummel you to death."

Niall nodded, "It's okay.  I completely understand.  I most likely would've tried to kill me, too."

"My sister has spoken highly of you and I want to thank you for that, as well."

"She has, has she?" Niall said, looking over at her.  "Well, I think highly of her, too.  I hope everything goes well with your surgery tomorrow."

"Me too," she said.

They all walked down the steps and Benny got back into the car as Edie turned to Niall, "Well, see ya when I see ya?"

"Yeah, actually, could I come by and see ya?" Niall asked.

Edie looked away from him and bit her lip.  He had learned that when she did that, she was nervous and trying to find a polite way to say no.  "Um, I'd rather you not see me like that.  Probably won't be all that pretty for a few days.  Not that I'm all that pretty right now."

Niall cringed at her statement. He hated she saw herself that way when it truly wasn't the case.

"Well, can I at least give you a hug?" Niall asked, hopefully cautious.

"Yeah...sure," Edie smiled a little.

Niall opened his arms, stepped forward, and gave her a hug.  When he felt her hands on his back, he squeezed her a little tighter to let her know she was safe there.  She allowed it and even held onto him a little tighter than he would have expected.  It gave him the confidence to say what he had been wanting to say for weeks.  Ever since that night, when he had started to tell her, he had been wanting to tell her that she didn't need to see herself the way she did.  So before he let her go, he turned his mouth towards her ear and whispered, "I hope you know you're beautiful."

Before she could react, he gave her a quick kiss on her cheek, purposely placing his lips on her scars. He gave her one more tight hug and let her go.

She didn't say anything as he opened the car door for her and helped her inside.  "Good luck, tomorrow.  See ya when I see ya." And he shut the door.

He stood there as she looked at him, shock and confusion on her face, but also a hint of a smile.  He smiled at her and waved as they drove off.

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