Ch68 Deeper Inside

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the completed and edited ch68


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Flying against the wind, Li Xin felt the wind cutting her face painfully. The shocking speed her surroundings flashed past at could almost catch up with the speed of a horse when galloping.

Running, jumping, and swinging, Li Xin could only feel the back of her neck being held firmly in the aboriginal's hand as her body kept swinging back and forth to the rhythm of his strides. Before her shouts could be used to its full potential, she felt a pain coming from the side of her neck, and her vision instantly darkened as she fainted dead away.

Time passed in a flash. Night had gone away and the sky was bright again. When Li Xin opened her eyes again, she found herself sleeping on the floor. Wait no, it shouldn't be said that way. On the floor were some dried grass, somewhat covering the ground, and Li Xin was sleeping on that patch.

Quickly sweeping an eye over her surroundings, when Li Xin saw that there was no one else around, she quickly sat up. Looking around, she could see all the objects in the hut at a glance.

The extremely simple room could only be called a hut used to protect one from gentle winds and sunlight only.

The entire hut was built by tying together thick poles made of bunched up grass that were about the height of a human being. It's walls had gaps that even a fist could fit in, so what could it even block.

Near the entrance of the cogongrass hut was a humongous oxen horn display that was one meter long. Li Xin didn't know what breed of cattle could have this long a horn, or maybe it didn't even belong to an ox, because near the end of the horn were odd black patches which somewhat made it look like the skeleton of some animal, yet also nothing like one. Everything was as simple and crude as it could possibly be.

The moment she had a good grasp on her situation, Li Xin stood up and silently moved towards the wall while looking through the fist sized gaps to observe the situation outside.

"You're awake?" A rather dejected and cool voice suddenly travelled over, and Li Xin's body that hadn't managed to move into the corner yet instantly stopped. She looked towards the direction the voice came in.

She saw a golden haired woman with a big belly push open the door and walk inside. Her entire upper body was bare, and she only had on animal skin, which was longer than the one on the aboriginal yesterday, wrapped around the lower half of her body. She was holding something that looked like food in her hand as she walked over with a numb yet pitying expression as she looked at Li Xin.

A white woman. Her features looked like an ordinary human's too, completely unlike the exaggerated ones the aboriginals had, and didn't have their claws and their absurdly tall stature either. The woman's face was unusually pale and cold, with the coldness revealed in that pair of eyes akin to a puddle of dead water, completely dead and without a hint of life. Her belly made it obvious that she was pregnant, however, it were so ridiculously huge it was as if she was pregnant with triplets or quadruplets, making the woman who was walking in feel extremely tired.

Li Xin instantly raised a brow when she saw the woman, and looking through the opened door, she saw that behind this woman were a few aboriginals talking as they left. Their words sounded like gibberish and she wasn't able to understand what they were talking about, but she saw that those aboriginal women were different from the woman in front of her. Other than their naked top halves that had an ordinary woman's unique features, the other parts of them looked exactly the same as the aboriginal men.

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