Ch 60 Noxious Gas(1)

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the completed ch60(1)

The moment Qi Mo spoke, Li Hu, who was already standing by the cabin doors, immediately refused. "No, I'll go."

At the same time, White Falcon who was responsible for flying the jet said loudly, "Overlord, you can't, it's too dangerous."

Qi Mo didn't even glance at the two, just saying to Li Xin, "Maintain communications," as he put on a set of telecommunications equipment, and quickly turning and walking over to stand beside Li Hu, told him, "You don't have that capability." And with that his body sank, directly hanging downwards.

Li Hu's face couldn't help stiffening as he stared at the plane that was continuously jolting and trying to shake off Li Xin's interference, as well as the guns by the windows of Yarossi's plane that were raised and firing a constant barrage of bullets. Were he to go, he most likely didn't have the ability to both avoid this rain of bullets and land successfully on to a jolting plane at the same time. Qi Mo's words were not meant to belittle him, rather a truthful statement.

"Quick, there's no time left." Li Xin was tense as she shouted. As someone to not recognise a person the moment she started working, she was currently only paying attention to the movement in front of her, and seeing time constantly flowing yet White Falcon had not yet sped up and her previous efforts about to go to waste, she couldn't help reminding.

White Falcon immediately tightened his fists, and took a deep breath before saying, "Taking full precautions," As the hand on the operating lever pushed forward, bringing the jet's speed up a notch as it swooped downwards.

The windows on the plane that Yarossi was on immediately opened to reveal gun barrels aimed right at Qi Mo and the others that quickly opened fire. As the distance between both parties had drawn especially close, dynamites and the like couldn't be used as the moment any aircraft exploded, it could drag all the other aircrafts with it in its destruction, so they could all only aim and fire carefully. This undoubtedly gave Qi Mo and the others more stress.

White Falcon was an expert with respect to aircrafts, and he piloted the airplane to dodge left and right in the air, calculating the angle at which they could counter-attack while helping Qi Mo, who was preparing to forcefully enter the plane, dodge all those bullets flying at him, letting him safely avoid all the incoming dangers as he suspended the plane over Yarossi's head.

With one hand grabbing the floor of the cabin Qi Mo's eyes searched unceasingly for a landing location. His body was however flung around by the shaky movement of the plane and he was unable to find his bearings. He shouted furiously, "Aim."

Standing near the cabin doors with a firearm in his hands, Li Hu was aiming straight at the windows and returning fire at all those shooting at Qi Mo. Hearing Qi Mo furiously holler he gritted his teeth before turning behind to say to White Falcon, "Stop moving, Overlord can't aim properly."

At that, White Falcon's fist immediately crashed down on the instrument panel. If they didn't move, how would they be to avoid all the bullets coming at them. Wasn't that basically directing all the danger towards Qi Mo.

"There's only twelve seconds, eleven, ten..." Li Xin had an exceptionally calm demeanour as she stared fixated at the screen, her hands typing out commands non stop on the keyboard. She could only interfere for so long. Other matters she had no control over, she could only provide the most accurate countdown reports of the time they had left.

Hearing Li Xin's words, Qi Mo's face darkened even further as he roared, "Get closer." Hooking one leg onto the cabin's exit, his whole body was suspended in the air as he faced downwards, his eyes never straying away from Yarossi's jet. With the two planes constantly swaying, even he didn't have that great of an ability to be able to pounce successfully onto the plane. One aircraft had to stop its movement.

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