Chapter 9

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After two whole weeks of sleepless nights and tiring days of studying Suji's exams finally ended.She let out a loud scream as soon as she got out of the exam hall.She didn't care what anyone else thought of her.She is finally free.

"I'm gonna do everything I missed out in this time!"Suji said and left for home.

On the way she bought a lot of stuff.She was really excited to spend time with the twins tonight.These weeks she couldn't talk to them a lot.She missed them,she's sure they did too.And weirdly Taehyung even told her he missed her.

Once she was studying for the next exam Taehyung slowly came into her room and stared at her for a few seconds and said,"I miss you,be done with your exams soon."

Suji decided not to think about that at that time because she won't be able to focus on studies.But now that she thinks about it she can't help but feel giddy.

As soon as she reached home she went to the rooftop to meet the twins.She opened the rooftop room and looked around.Taehyung was painting something but V wasn't there.Suji was confused.Where'd V go?

Taehyung turned around as soon as he heard the voice.He quickly turned his canvas around and got up and smiled,"Hi."

He doesn't smile much.Everytime Suji sees it her heart skips a beat.

"Hi,Taehyung-Ah,"She said.

"Done with exams?"Taehyung asked.

Suji nodded and smiled.

"How did today's exam go?You think you'll do well?"Taehyung asked.

"Well..I hope so,"Suji said.

"Suji-ah,this time you definitely have to become a doctor.You should start studying hard for college entrance exams,okay?"

Suji nodded but one thing he said didn't make sense.

This time?

"Where's V?"Suji asked.

"Oh,Jungkook came as soon as he was done with exams.And he and V went out to shop for tonight.And Jungkook also asked me to tell you that he got permission to stay here for tonight.Do he'd be able to spend the whole night with us."

"Oh!"Suji said.

Suji wasn't sure but did Taehyung sound a little annoyed by Jungkook staying here?

And then Taehyung took her completely off guard by saying,"I missed you," out of the blue and then took her more off guard by engulfing her in a hug.

Suji's eyes widened.She couldn't believe what was happening.Taehyung was hugging her?Him?Really?

And also Taehyung normally gave off a cold vibe.She felt cold everytime she was near him or even V.Guess that's how it feels to be around spirits.But Taehyung's hug was so warm,so comforting,so..familiar?Its as if he's been hugging her for years.

After Taehyung finally let go of the hug he suddenly asked,"Do you want to have coffee?I'm an expert in making coffees.I swear you would like it."

"You know how to make coffee?"Suji asked.

Taehyung nodded.

"Do you know where the ingredients are in the kitchen?"

Taehyung nodded,"I've spied a few times on Seokjin when he cooks."

"Oh!"Suji chuckled,"Then sure,make me coffee."

"Yeah..till then why don't you go and freshen up?"Taehyung asked.


After that Suji had a long conversation with Taehyung in the rooftop room while drinking coffee.His coffee tasted amazing.It didn't matter what topic they were even talking about.They talked about studies,art,life,dreams.Taehyung shared very small parts of his past.Suji couldn't be happier.She couldn't believe he was talking so much to her.Soon V and Jungkook came back from shopping so they had to stop talking but Suji would never forget how amazing she felt while talking to Taehyung.

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