She knew their type. They were just like Pamela, the girl who bullied her back at home. Superficial and mean. Luckily, she was able to put her things away in peace and clean up her own bed area nicely.


"You did not tell a table full of Slytherins that your dads a muggle." James' eyes were serious and Johanna sighed shakily,

"I didn't think they'd have that sort of reaction. In the states, people aren't so judgemental towards muggles."

"Well, unfortunately enough, things are different here." Sirius looked like he genuinely felt bad for her and Peter shook his head,

"It probably didn't help that you started off talking to Snivelus."

"Severus? Was he one of the people who were mean to you? If he was I'll-" James started to spout and Johanna was quick to stop him before he got too heated.

"No! He was one of the only people to actually talk to me at the Slytherin table. He seemed nice enough..."

In all actuality, Johanna wasn't sure who she could trust when it came to her house. Almost every Slytherin already seemed to hate her before they even got the chance to know her. James shook his head after hearing Johanna jump to Severus's defense,

"He's not a nice person, you know. He hangs out with all the wannabe dark wizards and does whatever they want so they'll like him."

"Well, I like to judge people on my own accord. Not by what other people have to say." Johanna tried to explain but James simply huffed and crossed his arms over his chest,

"Don't say I didn't warn you. Come on Sirius."

James and Sirius walked away and Peter was hot on their heels, very eager to follow their trail. Remus lingered behind, but only for a moment to say,

"It's very kind of you to judge others by your own experiences and I know you mean well by it... just be careful, that's all. Don't let your guard down."

He too then turned and went off in the same direction as his friends, hurrying to catch up with them. Johanna stood there, confused over what she should do. Severus seemed like the nicest Slytherin she had met so far, but the other boys she had made friends with seemed to really not like him. At the same time, that might've been for a good reason, but there was no way to know for sure.

Johanna was now walking on the balcony, above the courtyard and suddenly, she heard someone cry out,

"Blimey! Briar Potts is hanging from that roof!"

Everyone below suddenly seemed to scatter in that direction, wanting to watch what was going on. Johanna stayed put and tried to see if she could spot the girl... after squinting her eyes for a moment, she suddenly spotted her. Briar was the small Ravenclaw first year she had seen in the Great Hall the other day, and with her little arms, she was holding onto the edge of the roof for dear life.

Teachers started to arrive at the scene now and Johanna could see the little girl losing her grip. Down below she could see a few people she knew in the crowd. Everyone was terribly shaken, visibly afraid that she could get hurt badly or even killed. Johanna then thought about the small piece of cloth she had in her pocket. She could use it possibly if needed... it had never failed to get her out of a jam before. The girl's hand started to slip now and before she knew it, Johanna leapt off the balcony, and in her hands was a small cloth, the size of a hand towel.

Suddenly, almost at magic speed, the cloth grew into a full sized carpet, just large enough for Johanna to sit on, plus a little more room in the back. It was a rectangular, fluffy orange and brown shag rug, with a sunflower design printed all over. Johanna gripped the front of the rug with one hand and then with her other arm, dove for the girl, who was now free falling through the air after her other hand let go.

The girl was so small, winging it, Johanna was able to snatch the girl out of the air with one arm, while still hanging onto the rug with the other. At full speed, the girls sped towards the ground and tumbled when they hit it, rolling a couple of times before finally stopping. The students and the staff were now running to the two girls and when the teachers saw Johanna, they looked fearful.

Briar sat up, looking almost dazed.

"What happened?"

"Ms.Potts, can you please explain what you were doing up on that rooftop?" Professor McGonagal almost looked angry and Briar looked confused even more,

"I was on the roof?!"

"You don't remember how you got up there?" McGonagal asked questioningly and Briar shook her head. Murmurs erupted from the crowd of students behind the teachers.

Professor McGonagal now eyeballed Johanna with surprise and amazement,

"Is that a flying carpet?"

"Yeah, my mom made it herself." Johanna was breathing quickly out of excitement and that's when Professor McGonagal turned to the group behind herself,

"Alright. Go on then, give the girls some air. Go about your business."

The crowd disbursed now and McGonagal looked down at the girls with a sigh.

"Briar, you come with me. Ms.Beetle, Slytherin is awarded five points for your act of heroism today. But I must tell you, since you're from the States, magic carpets are banned in Scotland and most of Europe. I won't confiscate it because you didn't know any better, but I will ask that you keep it packed away for the rest of the school year. Is that understood?"

"Yes, ma'am." Johanna nodded her head, very respectfully and Professor McGonagal gave her a quick nod before walking off with Briar. The rug in her hand shrunk down now, back to the size of a hand towel. It's design was now gone and it looked nothing more than a raggedy dish towel. Johanna folded the fabric up neatly and then stuck it in her pocket, giving it a happy pat afterwards. Carpet never ceased to amaze her.

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