Chapter 50

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It's been a long time. Many things have changed. Xavier and Angelina have been a bit distant. No, they were not fighting or anything they just don't get much time together.

He has his gang duties and he is also taking the night classes. She is taking her classes too... at her previous school. They all agreed that to keep Angelina's powers hidden... for that she'll have to stay away from the supernatural world.

The only time they both got to meet each other was on Sunday. He came over at her parents' house where she was currently living.

He was getting strong. He got his wolf side. He shifts pretty smoothly now. The first time was a bitch. It was after midnight and Xander just popped up into Angelina's room to take her to Xavier.

Being with your mate on your first time makes it less painful. It hurt her to see him in that much pain.

Xander and Oliver had taken her accessories with them and did some spell on them. So whenever she was wearing them, her powers would be dormant. She couldn't wear that for a long time though because then the power might burst out. So she wears it while going to the crowded place where she can risk showing her powers.

The maximum time she could wear it was six hours. Her powers were strong. Other healers had only healing powers her were kind of deadlier too. She could suck the pain and could inflict the sucked pain on someone too.

She never inflicted the pain on someone. Oliver had said she'll have to because the pain will store itself and if she has it while she was dying then it would be a painful death.

She was taken to their base to use her powers for torturing the people but her heart didn't agree. She tried but unless she truly wanted to hurt them... She couldn't use that.

Stacy was with her throughout. Angelina liked Stacy staying with her. She left her house for good and though she wanted to live alone and on her own, Angelina had told her to live with her family.

It was for some time. Angelina's parents won't let her live on her own because of all the supernatural drama. They are well informed about everything by Oliver.

Their final exams were over and currently, Angelina was packing her clothes. The Queen and King had allowed her to stay in the castle with Xavier but she was going to be kept hidden and she could not leave the room.

Just when she got up to get more stuff bile rose up in her throat and she quickly ran into the bathroom to empty the contents of last night's dinner into it.

Stacy rushed behind her and held her hair back. "I'm telling you, you are pregnant," Stacy said. Angelina kept her hand on her stomach and sat leaning her back on the wall.

"It can't be. I am on pills." Angelina said tiredly. "And we always use protection." She added. "You have vomited four times in the last 36 hours," Stacy said concerned.

"Maybe it has to do something with my powers? Maybe there bursting out because I had tried to suppress them for so long?" She asked. "I can feel it, babe. You are pregnant." Stacy was adamant on the same thing.

"I can't be! I am only eighteen!" Angelina groaned. "That doesn't matter," Stacy said and picked her up. When they walked back to the room after Angelina washed her mouth Stacy forced her to go to the doctor.

They went and it was confirmed. She was pregnant. Angelina was really happy from inside but was freaked out too. It was too soon according to her and she thought she wasn't ready. She still could not understand how was she pregnant.

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