Chapter 8

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Edited: 15th April, 2021

"Not everyone who says they care, actually cares."

- LK 🖤


"It's for your girlfriend?" I asked. He looked at me as if I was crazy. "No Angelina. It's for you." He said smiling. "And... I don't have a girlfriend. I never did girlfriends." He said rolling his eyes. "Do you like it?" He asked. "I love it," I said grinning. He smiled and continued driving. I wore the bracelet.

He parked the car in front of an expensive-looking restaurant. We got out of the car and made our way in. "This way, sir." The girl said as she saw Xavier. Her cheeks were red as if she was blushing. Xavier has an admirer. He looked good, so it's expected. I chuckled softly which apparently he heard.

I quickly stopped chuckling and kept a straight face. "What are you laughing about?" He asked confused. "Nothing," I said innocently. She led us to a reserved table. He nodded at her and pulled out a chair for me. "Thanks," I said and sat down. For being a gang leader of the most feared gang he is quite a gentleman. I thought.

"What do you want to eat?" He asked. "I'll have Steak," I said. The waiter came and asked for our orders. "2 Korean Steak, Lettuce wraps. One wine and one... coke." He said. The waiter nodded and left. "Korean Steak Lettuce wraps?" I asked as I heard it for the first time. "They serve all types of food. And it's good. Don't worry you'll like it." He said smiling.

"By the way what were you laughing about earlier?" He asked raising an eyebrow. I chuckled again. "The girl who led us to the table, she seems to have a crush on you," I said smiling.

"Oh." He said and chuckled. "I hate attention though." He said. Then we were talking about the house thing. He has shortlisted to three houses. We just have to select from them.

Soon our order came. As soon as the food came I dug into it. It was good. After seeing how hungry I was he ordered more food. I don't eat much normally, but when I start eating I eat like there is no tomorrow. When we were done he paid, despite me telling him to split the bill.

We were now in his car. "So we'll start from the smallest one." He said. I nodded and leaned back comfortably.

He parked in front of a very big mansion but it was smaller than ours. He got out of the car and opened the door for me. "I thought the smallest one was first?" I asked. "This is the smallest one from among all the three." He said chuckling.

I gave him a look and then looked at the house. It was surrounded by a grass lawn. It looked like it was empty for a long time but still looked beautiful. "I have the keys. Come." He said and made his way towards the house. I followed behind him. He opened the door which made a creepy sound.

"Are you scared?" He asked looking down at me. "No," I said quickly looking around the house. It felt like something would pop up from somewhere at any time. He cleared his throat. I again looked at him. He looked at me with an amused expression on his face.

I then notice that I had gripped his arm with both my hands and was practically hugging it. I quickly pulled back and chuckled nervously. "It's fine. We can leave this house." He said smiling. "We didn't even see it," I said trying to be brave and walked further inside. Something brushed past my leg. I screamed and ran towards Xavier and hugged him tightly.

I heard him chuckle and he was rubbing my back. "Shush. It's fine. It's was just a paper." He said hugging me back. I slowly pulled back and looked at him. "We are leaving." He said and we left from there.

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